What is a Dirty Chai or Chai Tea Latte
– A Complete Overview –
Our coffee universe is vast and ever-growing.
Undoubtedly, coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world.
Tea is at least equally wide-spread and finds appreciation everywhere.
Both drink items became an essential part in many of our daily lives.
So, why not combine these two liquid giants?
Coffee and tea seem to make a perfect marriage. The Dirty Chai or Chai Tea Latte is one of people’s most favorite combinations of coffee and tea.
But, although many people love to drink it. Not many actually know the details behind.
What exactly is a Dirty Chai? Where does this name come from? How do we make it? And, what are the benefits and recipes?
Let’s find these answers and many more together.
Here is everything you need to know about the Dirty Chai or Chai Tea Latte.
What is a Dirty Chai? – A Brief Definition
A Dirty Chai is a very popular espresso-based drink.
Nowadays, people serve it in many coffee shops and restaurants. Chances are very high, that you probably already had a taste or sip of it yourself.
Or, you are already a real Chai tea lover anyhow, like me. Hence, it was just a matter of time until we would also very much appreciate the Dirty Chai.
Typically, the Dirty Chai consists of a single shot of espresso. And, it is mixed or even infused into a spiced ‘chai tea’.
In terms of tea choice, most of common is to use the traditional Masala Chai from India.
Furthermore, the Dirty Chai is usually made with a chai concentrate or actual tea. Plus, you are adding steamed milk and the single shot of espresso.
The result is a cross between a regular Latte and a Chai Tea Latte.
However, you may be more familiar with the Dirty Chai under a different name. Alternative names are Espresso Chai or Java Chai. Other common names also include Red Eye Chai, Chai Charger or Tough Guy Chai.
Probably, the most well-known synonym is the widely used name of Chai Tea Latte.
Essentially, both names stand for the same type of drink. And, they both also have more or less very similar or even identical recipes.
Nonetheless, some people would argue that the Chai Tea Latte is an individual drink on its own. We respectfully want to honor all opinions and therefore mention it here.
Traditionally, you can either serve a Dirty Chai hot or cold.
And, as we highlighted already, its main ingredients are Espresso, black tea and milk.
Going More Into Detail
Over the recent years, Chai-flavored foods and drinks have become very popular.
The Dirty Chai beverage is one of the most favored ones of these.
It is a great alternative for people who may not like the usual strong taste of coffee. But they are still looking for a way to have their beloved coffee after all.
In essence, a Dirty Chai is a Latte drink. Usually, the drink comes with a single shot of Espresso. Sometimes, it might even be with a double shot of Espresso, called Doppio.
Additionally, there will be steamed milk and spiced black tea, mostly masala chai.
Consumers describe it to be smooth and milky. Furthermore, it is fragrantly spiced, together with a mild coffee flavor.
If you are looking for more coffee strength, an extra shot of Espresso can be added.
The Dirty Chai is just one of many ways how chai spices are typically being used to flavor up food and drinks.
Most frequently, you can find following spices in a Dirty Chai. These would include cardamom and cinnamon. Additionally, cloves, ginger and also black pepper are very common as well.
As we shortly said already, people either drink it hot or cold.
Hot versions come with steamed milk and cold ones with ice instead. A cold Dirty Chai can either be served as an iced latte or a blended latte.
In addition, many people like to add sweeteners on top.
Is the Dirty Chai Healthy?
There are many great reasons why people love to drink coffee.
First of all, it tastes delicious in all of its great varieties,
On top, it comes with many great health benefits. Many people even say that it makes us happier and live longer.
But besides the many good things coffee can offer. What does the Dirty Chai have in store for us?
In fact, drinking black tea and Espresso is linked to a number of health benefits.
Here are the 4 most notable ones.
Health Benefits of Dirty Chai
Strengthen Your Heart
Black tea is a great and rich source of antioxidants. Not only that. Coffee is equally rich of antioxidants.
Of course, the combination of both can only be of great benefit then.
Antioxidants are substances or molecules that fight free radicals in your body.
We constantly expose our own bodies to free radicals or unstable molecules. Our body naturally produces these as a reaction to environmental and other pressures.
These free radicals can cause slow damage to our body cells.
Substances like the antioxidants are able to prevent this slow damage process. As a result, they promote a healthy immune system.
This may help the body to fight disease-causing viruses and harmful bacteria.
Empower Your Immune System
Various studies are showing that consuming black tea or coffee is good for our heart.
It reduces blood pressure as both beverages contain potassium. This mineral especially relaxes the tension in blood vessels and arteries.
Your blood flow and circulation just becomes more sufficient again.
In addition, black tea may also help reduce LDL levels.
Commonly, people call it the ‘bad’ cholesterol. Because it collects in the walls of your blood vessels and may cause flow disruptions.
This may raise your chances of health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Both coffee and black tea can help preventing it.
Reduce Risk of Diabetes
Here is another good reason to drink Dirty Chai.
Several studies show that drinking coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Additionally, drinking black tea shows to reduce blood glucose vessels. This happens by helping to regulate the glucose and insulin levels in your body.
Black tea may prevent the spikes and drops that can be dangerous for people suffering from diabetes.
Improve Gut Health
Coffee and black tea contain polyphenols.
They are a category of plant compounds that offer various health benefits. Besides protecting against heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even certain cancers.
It especially boosts brain health and digestion.
In detail, polyphenols help promoting the growth of good bacteria. And simultaneously, they prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the stomach.
On top, the compound also has antimicrobial properties. These are known to improve immunity and gut bacteria. Furthermore, they are able to eliminate harmful substances in your stomach.
Overall, this helps to repair the digestive tract lining, hence improves your gut health.
In summary and as you can see, having a Dirty Chai here and there might be a pretty good idea.
How Much Caffeine?
Both the black tea and coffee are great sources of caffeine.
Hence, your Dirty Chai literally comes as a double booster of caffeine.
On average, the caffeine level lays around 160 mg of caffeine. This would apply to the average Dirty Chai cup of 400 ml (12oz).
In contrast, the regular tea-based Chai Latte has between 50 to 70 mg of caffeine.
Many regular coffee and tea consumer rely on their daily caffeine intake. The mental and physical energy help them tackling their daily tasks more efficiently.
When to Drink Dirty Chai?
Most people do not make a Dirty Chai themselves at home.
Typically, the beverage is a so-called coffee shop drink. You usually order it somewhere outside of the home. On the go or when you are gathering with friends or family.
Because of the double dose of black tea and Espresso. The Dirty Chai literally becomes a flavorful energy booster in all regards.
People usually like to enjoy empowering drink either in the morning or afternoon.
It can be served alone or also with some snack alongside.
How to Drink Dirty Chai?
Here is a quick guide on how to make a Dirty Chai.
- Brew around 250 ml (8oz) of strong black tea for 3 to 5 minutes. Either do it in boiling water with a tea bag. Or, you can also use 1 or 2 teaspoons of loose leaves instead.
- Add 1 (or even 2) shot of Espresso. Plus, mix it with 1 to 2 tablespoons of chai tea mix.
- Heat your milk until it’s hot. And, add it to your mix for better, creamy taste. Alternatively, you can also use a milk frother.
- Sprinkle some sweeteners like cinnamon on top, if you wish.
More Recipes
There are many more wonderful Dirty Chai recipes for you to try out there.
Here are some of the most popular versions.
Iced Chai Latte
The Iced Chai Latte will be everything you are appreciating about warm masala chai tea. Typically, it is simply served as a chilled Latte.
You will notice how deliciously creamy it is. On top, the drink is perfectly spiced. And, the recipe could not be any easier.
Homemade Masala Chai
The Masala Chai literally means ‘mixed-spice tea’. People also simply like to refer to it as Chai Tea.
It, of course, originates from India. Commonly, you would make it with milk, black tea and quite a lot of spices.
In the recent years, this drink version has increasingly become popular at many coffee houses. Therefore, it is often made from powders, syrups and teabags.
However, you could never compare a pre-made version to a freshly brewed Masala Chai.
Homemade Chai Syrup
This recipe is even easier and equally rich in flavor.
The simple syrup preparation is flavored with Chai. It’s just another common and shorter name for Masala Chai or Chai Tea.
Typical Chai spices are ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and black pepper.
Furthermore, it may also include other aromatic spices. These are licorice-like fennel, sweet coriander seeds and soothing vanilla.
After you have made your chai-flavored simple syrup. Additionally, you can use it to flavor and sweeten up a variety of iced or hot drinks.
Or, it even works great with baked goods and other treats.
Go ahead and try one these Dirty Chai versions. They are all super delicious.
The Breakdown of Dirty Chai Latte
We already learned that the Dirty Chai consists of three main ingredients.
These are espresso, steamed milk and spiced black tea. Let’s highlight each one of them a bit more in detail.
- Espresso
The espresso is a concentrated form of coffee. You make it by forcing under pressure a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely-ground coffee beans.
As a result, it is producing a 35 to 70ml (1 to 2 oz) shot of espresso.
If you make it properly, a rich golden crema will form on the surface. In general, you can make an espresso with a wide variety of coffee beans and roasts.
Steamed Milk
Technically, the result of steamed milk is called froth.
It is the result of milk being exposed to high-pressured steam. This process will gradually introduce steam into milk. Eventually, you are getting a layer of very small milk bubbles.
In order to achieve this, you can use all kinds of different milk types. The range goes from non-fat to low-fat and full-fat milk.
Alternatively, people also like to use almond, soy, or oat milk.
Spiced Black Tea (Masala Chai)
India’s popular tea typically consists of a blend of various spices.
These would include cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. Optionally, you may also find it with only a single spice such as ginger.
Sweeteners & Flavored Syrups
Last but not least, many people like to sweeten it up a bit.
Common sweeteners like sugar, honey and chocolate powder work well. There is also a great variety of flavored syrups you can choose from.
Other Popular Types of Dirty Chai
In general, there are two most common variations of Dirty Chai Lattes. Maybe you have either tried the Iced or Blended Dirty Chai Latte already.
Here are a few other popular creations.
- Vegan/Diary Free
Some people do not wish to have regular milk products. Alternatives can either be made with soy milk or almond milk then.
- Green Tea Dirty Chai
Here, you simply exchange the usual black tea with green tea instead. It tastes great and is equally refreshing.
- Hong Kong Yuanyang (Ying-Yang) Coffee-Tea
This drink is one of the most popular beverages in many Chinese communities. It is a blend of black tea, sweetened condensed milk, and drip coffee.
- Faux Dirty Chai
There are also various other types that do have a similar flavor to the Dirty Chai Latte.
You could order a cinnamon or ginger latte, for example. Furthermore, some coffee shop menus feature cardamom lattes even.
Of, you could simply go with a different kind of spiced tea. And, you further add the milk and espresso shot to your mix.
All of these drinks are similar, yet still different. Hence, the name Faux (‘wrong’) Dirty Chai.
The Bottom Line
A Dirty Chai is definitely worth a try. If you did not have the chance to drink it yet.
There are many great recipes and types out there. I am sure that you would enjoy one or the other Dirty Chai type.
It’s the combination of black tea and coffee, which makes it so interesting.
These two powerhouses of health benefits are definitely able to give you a great energy and health boost.
How about you?
Are you maybe a regular consumer of the Dirty Chai already? If yes, what is your favorite kind?
Would you go ahead and try it, if you haven’t done so yet?
Feel free to share your experiences with us.
Until then, stay safe, healthy and properly caffeinated.
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