We Love Coffee
– 10 Best Reasons Why Coffee is Good For You –
All you need is love.
And coffee.
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
The famous dark liquid does not just taste great in all of its varieties. It is energizing. And, it may also be extremely good for you.
Many people associate coffee with many great health benefits. On top, many coffee enthusiasts say that it makes us happier and even live longer.
Throughout the recent years and decades, scientists have increasingly studied the effects of coffee. They especially wanted to highlight its various effects on our health.
The results have been nothing short of interesting, astonishing and remarkable. In fact, coffee may be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.
This is why we love coffee.
Here are the 10 best reasons why coffee is good for you.
Coffee Makes Smarter – We Love Coffee
For many of us, coffee is a very essential part in our daily lives.
The empowering beverage provides us with an energy boost. This usually gets us through our days more efficiently.
But, coffee just does not keep you awake. It also makes you smarter.
The most important and active ingredient for this is caffeine in coffee.
Scientifically speaking, caffeine is a stimulant. Undoubtedly, it is the most commonly appreciated and consumed psychoactive substance in the world.
In general, caffeine works and gets mostly active in our brain. This is by blocking the effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine.
Since caffeine is able to block the effects of adenosine. Caffeine quickly increases neuronal firing in our brain. Additionally, it also increasingly triggers the release of other neurotransmitters. These include dopamine and norepinephrine.
Recently, there have been many controlled studies examining the effects of caffeine. They especially researched the effects on the brain.
Several studies are showing that caffeine can temporarily improve our mood. On top, it enhances our reaction time, memory, vigilance and general brain function.
If you are interested in learning more about the potential benefits of coffee for brain health. You can check out this article.
All of this is quite amazing. Wouldn’t you say so, too?
These are plenty of best reasons why coffee is good already.
No wonder, why we love coffee.
Drink Coffee & Lose Weight
Coffee can help you to burn fat. And, it can additionally improve your physical performance.
This is mostly due to caffeine. Indeed, you will find caffeine in most commercial fat-burning supplements.
As we already shortly highlighted before. Caffeine has a stimulant effect on our central nervous system. It not only raises metabolism. But, the stimulant also increases the oxidation of fatty acids.
Furthermore, caffeine may also improve our athletic performance in several ways. For example, this includes mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues.
On average, caffeine shows to increase exercise performance by up to 11-12%. Two separate study analyzes came to this conclusion.
Coffee Helps Avoid Diabetes – We Love Coffee
The beverage may drastically lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
In short, type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-related disease. Over the years, more and more people are affected by it. Estimates speak of about 300 million people worldwide.
The cause is usually overconsumption of sugary foods. Moreover, diabetes is commonly characterized by high blood glucose levels. This may lead to insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.
Several observational studies show that coffee can have positive effects. Health scientists associate coffee with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
These studies reported risk reductions in the range from 23% all the way up to 67% even.
Especially one major study case with almost half a million participants gave very interesting insights.
It seems that each additional cup of coffee per day is helping. In fact, every cup lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%.
As a result, the review article shared following conclusion. The more coffee people are drinking, the lower their risk was.
To sum up, if you are drinking several cups per day. You are less likely to develop diabetes.
However, you should still have a general moderate coffee consumption. On average, 2 or 3 cups are more than enough for a healthy person. Anything above may lead to various caffeine side effects.
Coffee Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s
We already discussed how coffee can make us smarter in the short term. But, the beverage can also help protecting our brain when we are older.
Alzheimer’s is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases worldwide. The disease is a leading cause of dementia.
Several prospective studies are suggesting quite remarkable findings. Coffee drinkers are having up to a 60% lower risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Parkinson’s is the other most common degenerative disease in the world. In short, it causes the death of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain.
Coffee may also help here. Studies show that it may lower our risk of Parkinson’s by 32% to 60%.
Coffee Supports Your Liver
The hot beverage may extremely good for the liver.
Our liver is quite a remarkable organ. It carries out hundreds of vital functions in our body.
However, it can also be vulnerable. In fact, the liver can be negatively affected by food items we like to consume. For example, if we are consuming too much alcohol or fructose.
The quite fatal end stage of liver damage is called cirrhosis. Diseases like alcoholism or hepatitis can cause it.
At this end stage, the usual healthy liver tissue has been largely replaced by scar tissue then.
There are multiple studies on coffee showing that it may lower the risk. In fact, coffee can lower your risk of cirrhosis by as much as 80%.
Especially people who were drinking more than 4 cups of coffee. They were feeling the strongest effect.
However and as already mentioned. Every person reacts differently to coffee and its ingredients. This is especially the case when it comes to caffeine.
Some people may react more sensitive than others.
In addition, coffee may also lower your risk of liver cancer. The decrease of risk is around 40%.
So, we can sum up the following. Coffee appears to be protective against certain liver disorders.
This is just another good reason why we love coffee.
Coffee Helps You Live Longer – We Love Coffee
Coffee may lower your risk of premature or early death.
Why do so many people actually think that coffee is unhealthy?
Firstly, it has to do with the coffee’s history. For many decades it was associated with having a cigarette the same time. Of course, smoking is very harmful to our body.
Secondly, people did and actually still do like to use a lot of sweeteners and unhealthy dairy products. Eventually, this can make your coffee quite unhealthy.
However, many coffee lovers are open and interested in experimenting with alternatives. In fact, there is a great array of natural sugar substitutes to choose from these days.
On top, there are many great milk alternatives. This is for those who don’t like or tolerate regular dairy products.
And thirdly, despite many supporting studies. Many people still think of coffee to be unhealthy.
The reality is quite the opposite though.
In fact, coffee may actually help us liver longer. And be happier.
For example, there is one very remarkable, large observational study. It associates drinking coffee with a lower risk of death by all causes.
Additionally, the study points also something else out. The effect seems to be especially profound in people with type 2 diabetes.
Another observational report supports these findings. It highlights that coffee drinkers had a 30% lower risk of death during a 20-year period.
Honestly speaking, all of this is quite astonishing. However, more and extensive research still needs to be done.
Coffee Boasts of Nutrients & Antioxidants
Coffee is not just some black liquid. The empowering, dark beverage is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.
Naturally, coffee beans have quite a lot of both.
However, once we roast and brew our coffee. Many of the coffee’s natural nutrients get lost on the way. They don’t make it into the final drink anymore.
Nonetheless, here is a quick overview of what one regular cup of coffee contains.
- Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) => 6% of the RDA
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) => 11% of the RDA
- Niacin (vitamin B3) & Thiamine (vitamin B1) => 2% of the RDA
- Potassium & Manganese => 3% of the RDA
By the way, RDA stands for Recommended Dietary Allowance.
Now, at first, this may not seem like much. But just imagine drinking several cups throughout a regular day. Then, these numbers will quickly add up.
And, there is more.
On top, coffee contains quite large amounts of antioxidants.
In fact, for many modern diets coffee is one of the biggest sources of antioxidants. Yes, fruits and vegetables may naturally contain more antioxidants.
But many people just consume a lot more coffee in their daily lives.
In short, antioxidants are compounds produced in our body. Or, they can also be found in many foods, such as coffee.
Technically speaking, they help defending your cells from damage. These damages may be caused by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals.
Fortunately, consuming a healthy amount of antioxidants can help neutralizing these free radicals. As a result, we are able to reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.
Coffee Makes You Pretty – We Love Coffee
The beauty industry is more and more discovering the benefits of using coffee as cosmetic ingredient in various ways.
Did you know? Coffee can help us get tanned.
In fact, the beverage may protect against melanoma. It is the most widespread and dangerous form of skin cancer.
Drinking coffee can help to provide some defense here. This especially applies to people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day.
According to studies, they will have a 20% reduced risk of melanoma. Compared to non-coffee drinkers.
However, people should still use sunblock as well.
Furthermore, beauty science experts recommend coffee as an alternative remedy for our skin.
From cellulite reduction to skin calming effects. In addition, from skin cell anti-aging benefits to Vitamin B3 supplements for your skin.
On top, dark eye circles, inflammation and even acne can be treated.
The list goes on and on.
This proves that coffee becomes an increasingly popular beauty product.
Last but certainly not least, coffee also makes our hair shiny.
It’s pretty simple. Just pour cold brewed coffee over your hair in the shower. As a result, you will have ‘glowy’ hair. Just like it belongs in a shampoo commercial.
You just need to be brave enough to try it. But please make sure to properly wash it out after.
To sum up, drink and apply coffee and stay pretty!
Coffee Improves Reaction Time
Here is another great aspect why we love coffee.
Are you sometimes also not getting enough sleep?
Coffee can still help us to be productive and get things done. We have already discussed the benefits of caffeine earlier.
Caffeine boosts our reaction time, vigilance and logical reasoning during extended periods with less limited opportunities for sleep.
In fact, a total daily dose of 800 mg of caffeine does the trick.
Consuming about this amount during successive overnight periods of wakefulness is an effective strategy to maintain our cognitive function.
But nonetheless, this does not mean that you should stay awake and just drink coffee. There needs to be a healthy balance between daily tasks and sleep.
A good sleep is very important and incredibly healthy for us.
Therefore, I also very much appreciate a ‘good cup of sleep’ as well. And, some energizing coffee after waking up then.
Additionally, coffee can also help us during driving.
It keeps us awake. And, it keeps our reaction time high. Hence, we can say that coffee generally reduces driving errors.
Again, it is the coffee’s caffeine that is crucial here.
In short, moderate caffeine consumption improves our driving performance. Consequently, we are less likely to cause any major traffic mistakes then.
Especially caffeinated chewing gum. Or, also frequently timed cups of coffee were used in studies. These studies observed test persons driving simulated long distances.
This happened while not having sufficient amount of sleep. Overall, the participants only made very minor traffic mistakes.
So, just remember. Stay safe while driving out there. And, stop for some coffee on the way.
Coffee Has Endless Varieties – We Love Coffee
There is an individual cup of coffee out there, for all of us.
To me, this is actually the entire beauty of our vast and colorful coffee universe. It gives us endless opportunities to express our very own preferences and coffee desires.
What is your favorite coffee?
Sure, drinking black coffee has its benefits. But, there is so much more to coffee. Every coffee lover knows this, of course.
From espresso-based drinks to exciting coffee recipes. From alcoholic coffee beverages to some very weird or strange coffee varieties.
Coffee offers some special and fascinatingly unique drink to all of us.
It can be an espresso with its crazy caffeine buzz. Or, maybe you prefer a soothing latte.
And, please don’t get me started with all of the amazingly different blends, roasts, and tastes.
Well, what can I say? This is certainly why we love coffee.
So, enjoy your coffee and cheers to life!
Final Thoughts – We Love Coffee
Throughout this article, we praised our beloved coffee a lot.
And, even though moderate amounts of coffee are good for us. Drinking too much coffee can still be harmful, however.
Furthermore, yes, coffee clearly comes with a lot of great benefits. In fact, many coffee enthusiasts even say that it makes us happier and live longer.
But, please still keep in mind. Some of the coffee’s evidence is not very strong yet. More research still needs to be done.
Many of the studies on coffee and its effects were rather observational in nature. In general, these type of studies can only show and suggest associations.
They cannot undoubtedly prove that coffee definitely causes these benefits.
Overall, if you want to ensure the potential health benefits of coffee. Please avoid adding too much sugar, for example. There are many great natural sugar alternatives for you to choose out there.
And, if drinking coffee tends to affect your sleep. Maybe, it is better not to drink after two in the afternoon.
Nonetheless, one thing is certainly true.
Coffee may just be the healthiest beverage in the world.
So, how about you?
What do you mostly appreciate about coffee? How does it make your life maybe easier and better?
Why do you love coffee?
Feel free to share your coffee experiences with us.
Until then, stay healthy, safe and properly caffeinated.
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