Top 10 Most Popular Espresso Drinks
– A Complete Overview Including Explanations –
Have you had your coffee today already?
Besides regular coffee, what is your favorite coffee drink?
Maybe your favorite drink is made with an espresso inside and you might not even know about it.
The espresso is a great energy boost source. It helps keeping your body and mind going. Many of us appreciate this very empowering drink in one version or the other on a daily basis.
Of course, just as coffee in general this special coffee drink also carries many health benefits.
There are many great espresso variations and trends for us to explore.
Let’s have a look at the most popular espresso drinks out there.
The Espresso – An Introduction
By pure definition, a basic espresso is relatively simple.
It typically consists of 1 ounce of coffee beverage made from around 7 grams of ground coffee beans.
The espresso is actually not just a coffee drink but also a unique and own brewing process as well.
I am sure that you have seen people brewing and pouring espresso drinks already. There is hardly any coffee shop, nowadays, that will not have an espresso machine as regular store inventory.
Usually, making a perfectly well-balanced espresso is like the crown jewel for any aspiring coffee maker.
Especially the crema on top will tell if you are good at it or not.
The espresso was invented in Italy in 1884. Since then, this little powerful drink has conquered the world.
As with many great and successful things, it is all about the details.
There is a great combination of variables that go into a single shot of espresso.
The right and fitting choice of beans is crucial, for example. What kind or roast and grind will be applied?
What is the dosage, machine pressure, temperature and time?
All of these factors will impact the outcome of your espresso drink.
We all love the espresso. Because it can give us the morning, work and mind boost we are looking for.
Luckily, there are many great espresso versions for us to choose from.
Here are the most popular espresso drinks.
Espresso Shot – The Original of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
The following will be a bit of an oversimplification. But it is most suitable for most coffee lovers on a practical level.
Traditionally, a single shot of espresso uses 7g of espresso-fine grounds and yields about 30ml of espresso. This would be about 1 ounce of liquid.
To actually weigh an espresso is still relatively new practice. Most baristas and coffee makers rather just use plain eyesight. They would then simply judge and stop when the shot was finished.
In the 1990s, the double shot, called ‘Doppio’, became more and more established.
A double shot basically uses 14g of coffee. And, it produces around 60ml of espresso. Which would equal about 2 liquid ounces.
These days, double shots are more or less the standard. If you order and ask for an espresso or even single. Your coffee maker will most likely pull a double shot anyhow.
He will then use a split portafilter in order to halve the shot for you.
In terms of flavor, nothing really changes. The introduction use of double shots was really just about increasing the liquid output. It simply makes work processes easier for busy baristas and coffee makers.
Generally, one liquid ounce of espresso has anywhere between 30 to 50mg of caffeine. A double shot would have around twice the amount of caffeine then.
This kind of basic and straight espresso can be incredibly strong and bitter for quite a lot of coffee drinkers.
It usually takes a while to develop the acquired tastes for a straight espresso shot.
But there are also plenty of other most popular espresso drinks for you to choose out there.
Have you heard of a latte already?
If not, you are probably living under a rock. It’s almost impossible to have not come across the latte drink already.
The Latte is definitely one of the most popular espresso drinks all around the world.
Its term ‘latte’ originates from the Italian words ‘caffe latte’. It simply means ‘milk coffee’.
In France and most of central and northern Europe, people would call it ‘café au lait’.
Iced or hot, the milk-to-espresso ratio is 4:1.
So, this would be a great alternative and choice. If you don’t like the basic bitter taste of an espresso.
In a hot latte, you will steam the milk. As a result, your coffee will also have little milk foam poured over the espresso.
Now, there are many beautiful and artful latte art creations out there. In fact, latte art has become a real barista skill set in its own. There are all kinds of different techniques and supporting tools for latte art.
While people have been mixing milk and coffee for centuries already, of course. It is the espresso that especially makes the modern latte unique.
Indeed, the latte has its signature taste and kick because of this ingredient.
An espresso is prepared by using a pressurized brewing process. The outcome will be a much more concentrated drink.
Due to its higher concentration, it has a more dense proportion of caffeine in it than other drinks.
Many of us truly appreciate a latte, because of the tasty latte artwork.
And, thanks to giving us a buzz the same time.
Cappuccino – Not Just Another One of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Here comes another absolute top favorite drink of our coffee world.
The perfect cup of cappuccino will be the product of equal unity and balance.
Typically, a cappuccino contains equal parts of espresso, steamed and milk froth. Compared to a latte, the coffee cup for a cappuccino is smaller. It is usually between 150 to 180 ml.
The size of your cup is quite important.
It enables you to get the right flavor balance between your espresso and the right amount of milk.
A cappuccino’s milk foam can be dry or velvety. Either consisting of large, airy bubbles and lots of volume. Or much smaller bubbles that are barely visible.
This is how you should make it.
Pour 1/3 of steamed milk at the bottom of your cup. Then add 1/3 of espresso. Carefully pour it in. Last then comes the milk froth by 1/3. Put it on top with a spoon.
This creates the right layering in tastes and textures.
Your deliciously well-balanced cup of cappuccino will be ready to be served.
It is one of my favorite drinks. Because I love sipping on the sweet layer that won’t burn my tongue.
What is an Americano?
The most simple explanation is following. It’s a shot of espresso with hot water on top.
Many people either enjoy it hot or cold.
This drink is an extremely popular type of coffee. Yet, most people know nothing about where it came from.
Traditionally, the story goes that when American soldiers were stationed in Italy during World War II. They had difficulties drinking and fully enjoying the strong flavor of the original espresso.
Being accustomed to drip coffee in America, the full-bodied and rich flavors of an espresso were unfamiliar.
So, the pretty simple idea came up of adding more water to an original shot of espresso. It made the drink similar to the coffee they drank at home.
This way, you will also still be able to enjoy the typical presence of espresso crema resting on top of your drink as well.
The famous black Americano drink was born. It soon conquered the coffee world on its own.
Cortado – The Newcomer of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
It doesn’t get much simpler than a cortado.
You just need to combine an equal amount of espresso with steamed milk.
Traditionally, cortados are served in small cups made of glass or metal rather than the usual ceramic coffee cup.
A cortado is pretty much a deviation from the typical coffee shop drink. Coming in a small size with no added sugars or flavors.
This drink is meant to be sipped slowly. And, enjoyed as part of a relaxing morning.
Why the name?
Cortado comes from the Spanish ‘cortar’, which means ‘to cut’.
The steamed milk is said to ‘cut’ the espresso. Its purpose is to reduce the overall acidity and intensity of the drink.
Additionally and unlike many other most popular espresso drinks, the cortado contains little to no foam.
Italian-originated coffee drinks usually tend to contain some froth or foam. However, Spanish coffee drinks don’t come with ‘texturized’ milk.
This means you get to fully appreciate the silky, smooth texture of the warm milk mixing with the espresso without the two separating.
A cortado provides the ideal amount of caffeine for waking you up. Yet, it tastes so balanced due to its simplicity.
Simply perfect for slow mornings. Have a try.
Flat White – The Secret Star of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Please let me introduce you to the new rising star on the broad coffee horizon.
If you have not tried this coffee version yet. It will surely only be a matter of time until your favorite coffee shop will also encourage you to do so.
A flat white is like a latte with a little less milk and more espresso.
It is as simple as that. Well, actually, it is a bit more complicated.
The drink consists of a double shot of espresso combined with micro-foamed milk that should be heated consistently all the way through so as not to split into bubbled froth and scalding liquid.
All clear now?
Commonly, baristas will serve the flat white a little colder than a cappuccino. The coffee maker will freely pour milk in with the espresso. As a result, the velvety texture of the drinks remains consistent throughout, unlike a latte.
The typical tulip cup size is 165ml large.
Where does it come from?
Actually, the answer depends on who you are asking.
This is a particularly controversial question. And, it exposes centuries-old culinary rivalries between the neighbors of Australia and New Zealand.
Both proudly claim ownership of the drink.
Some say, it originates from Sydney in the early 1980s. However, others argue that it goes back until Melbourne in the 1970s.
Whereas, New Zealanders argue that the drink was developed into its modern form in the coffee shops of the nation’s capital, Wellington, in the later 1980s.
Possibly, the safest answer is to say both countries helped to create the great flat white.
To better follow and continue this lively discussion. Let’s have a flat white to keep our mind and tongue sharp.
The macchiato is another famous cornerstone of Italian coffee culture.
It is basically an espresso with a small amount of foamed milk on top.
Macchiato means ‘marked’. So really, you could look at it as a cross between an espresso and a cappuccino.
Since Italians usually only drink cappuccinos in the morning. A macchiato gives the appreciative afternoon drinker the opportunity of having a little milk with their espresso for some extra flavor later on during the day as well.
The macchiato also represents another great option. Those of us, who can’t tolerate a strong espresso but find a cappuccino to weak and milky.
This is the perfect alternative and middle way between both.
Of course, there is also another very popular type of macchiato out there. It is the famously and beautifully textured ‘latte macchiato’.
When I am working at the coffee shop myself. I especially love to prepare this type of drink.
The three colored layers in a tall glass are always a great coffee spectacle to make, watch and drink.
Red Eye – The Truly Strongest of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Anyone need a wake-up call?
The Red Eye coffee is pretty simple to make actually.
It basically combines one shot of espresso with normal drip coffee. This powerful eye-opener is usually served in regular coffee cups.
You would just pour your espresso shot over your regular coffee.
Depending on what country you live in. And the coffee making tools at your disposal, you may find local variations.
What’s the history behind the Red Eye?
Have you ever taken a long-distance flight at night? There are a number of flights that depart in the evening and land at their destination the following morning.
These have been referred to as ‘red eyes’ for as long as major airlines have been operating them.
However, the actual ‘red eye’ term even comes from a somewhat more logical place than airlines.
It is also a direct reference to the symptom you might develop from the fatigue that may result from late night flying.
I am sure, when you didn’t get a lot of sleep for one reason or another. And, you would have a look into your mirror. You would probably look straight into ‘red eyes’ yourself.
A red eye coffee drink can help you clearing up your eyes and mind again then.
Additionally, there are a number of variations of this powerful drink invention.
The ‘Black Eye’ involves two shots of espresso added to coffee.
Furthermore, a ‘Dead Eye’ even combines three shots of espresso with your coffee.
The more espressos you are adding, the more caffeine you will get. So, please be careful with your ratio.
For coffee addicts like me, multiple shots of espresso in a cup of coffee would just get me warmed up and get the day properly started.
Affogato – A Must Try of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Here comes the most delicious of all most popular espresso drinks.
Welcome to the latest Italian treat you can add to your menu. The affogato will likely become your new favorite dessert.
Like most great Italian dishes, the affogato is a lesson in simplicity.
In its most basic form, it’s the marriage of two delicious essentials. These would be espresso and gelato, meaning ice cream.
The term ‘affogato’ literally translates to ‘drowned’ in Italian language.
It describes the making of an affogato. When cold gelato is drowned by the down pouring hot espresso.
At its core, the perfect affogato is meant to be easy and delicious. So, it is actually less of a recipe than a dessert preparation in general.
A classic affogato starts with a single, tightly packed scoop of vanilla ice cream. You would usually use a chilled glass or small bowl.
The goal is not for the espresso to immediately melt the gelato. But it should rather run down the sides and pool at the bottom.
Cooled down or chilled glasses will help to achieve this effect.
Usually, a two-ounce double shot of espresso will be poured directly over the gelato and served right away.
Of course, there are many ways to play with the basic concept. You could add different flavors of ice cream, for example.
Some coffee lovers even use high-quality olive oil instead of espresso. Go ahead and try. It’s really delicious.
Other affogato enthusiasts might add alcoholic beverages such as wine and amaro. Together with espresso, it will certainly give your affogato a special fun twist.
Again, many others will dress up their affogato. You could add fresh or dried berries or citrus. Almonds, honeycomb or biscotti crumbles also work well.
Better to have one right now!
Café Mocha
The Café Mocha is another famous espresso based drink. You might also know it under the names of ‘mocaccino’, ‘mocchaccino’ or ‘mochachino’.
Unlike other espresso based drinks such as the latte, macchiato and cappuccino. The exact origin of the café mocha is rather unknown.
It is generally believed that the drink was originally named after the ‘mocha bean’. Which is a type of coffee bean shipped from the port of Al Mokka in Yemen.
Nowadays, these beans are known as Arabica beans.
What is a Café Mocha?
Essentially, it is a chocolate flavored variant of a café latte.
Or, the café mocha can even be a hot chocolate with espresso shots in it. The drink can either include one or two shots of espresso.
In addition, it is also traditionally topped with milk foam, just like a latte.
Unlike most other espresso based drinks, the mocha is a lot sweeter in taste. It is really good for the ones with a sweet tooth.
All sorts of different types of chocolate can be used for mocha.
Also depending on the country and place, a mocha can have chocolate syrup, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or even white chocolate.
The topping can also be different from region to region. Some use whipped cream instead of milk foam, for example.
Chocolate, cinnamon but also biscuit sprinkles are popular add-ons as well.
More Extra Honorable Mentions of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Yes, I know. I promised to present the Top 10 most popular espresso drinks to you.
And, I did.
But there are just too many great espresso-based versions out there.
So, here are a few more.
Where to begin with?
Okay, for starters ‘ristretto’ is Italian and means ‘restricted’. And that is basically the difference between a traditional espresso and a ristretto.
Simply said, more water is used in a regular espresso than a ristretto.
Technically speaking, the water to coffee ratio for an espresso is 1:2. Whereas in a ristretto, you scale the water to coffee ratio and level it out at 1:1.
As a result, your ristretto is stronger than an espresso. Because it is less diluted by water.
The flavors that come through a shorter extraction time are different to those of a longer espresso extraction time.
I wouldn’t say that a ristretto is better than an espresso. It is just essentially different.
Although, I also must confess that the flavors coming through a ristretto usually tend to be more balanced. At least, that is my impression.
Maybe you should try and compare both versions yourself.
Let us know your feedback then please.
Lungo – The Weakest Version of Most Popular Espresso Drinks
Now, the lungo is more or less the exact opposite of the ristretto.
Once again, the outcoming drink mostly depends on the quantity of water that filters through the coffee bed.
For a lungo coffee and compared to the ristretto, it is however doubling the amount of water.
By using double the amount of water the caffeine content will be lowered even further than that of the espresso and ristretto varieties.
Many coffee lovers argue that this method will produce even more pronounced, aromatic flavors.
On top, the vast majority of all usual bitter flavor notes of the coffee will be completely diluted. This is mostly due to the longer extraction process.
Like the ristretto, also the lungo is sometimes a completely overlooked choice on the coffee menu. Or, it will not even appear on the menu in the first place.
I can only recommend you to try these two versions as well.
Especially the lungo, if you are looking to lower your caffeine intake. In order to stay clear of overly strong coffee flavor notes.
Then a lungo might just be the right choice for you.
Café Breve
Last but certainly not least, here comes my own personal favorite of all most popular espresso drinks.
This espresso-based drink is an Americanized version of the Italian cappuccino.
It is just as simple as a latte. Because it basically also only needs two ingredients.
Lattes and café breves are very similar drinks. But there is one important difference. And, this would be the amount and volume of dairy products that is being used.
A typical café breve uses half and half instead of regular milk.
Why does café breve use half and half? An, what is actually half and half?
When it comes to milk, we have whole milk, half and half, light cream, and heavy cream.
Latte usually uses whole milk that is commonly pasteurized with some light cream, incorporating the fat into the milk.
On the other and, half and half is that happy medium between regular milk and light cream. Like cappuccinos, café breves are also topped with a large amount of milk foam.
Overall, this makes them fluffier, creamier, and richer than lattes.
Definitely worth a try!
The Bottom Line
Okay, there you go.
The above were some of the very and most popular espresso drinks for you and me to try out there.
Most of these, you will be able to find at your local coffee shop already. Some others might be worth a recommendation and try anyhow.
Hope you had a great time reading them. And, maybe you have even gained some extra valuable insights about our fascinating and so colorfully diverse coffee world.
Let us know what you think.
Which one is your favorite?
Did we forget any other great espresso-based coffee version?
Feel free to share with us.
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