Top 10 Best Coffee Drinks in the World
– The Most Consumed Drinks Worldwide –
What are the Top 10 best coffee drinks in the world?
It is almost impossible to answer this question to all of our satisfaction.
Our coffee culture and universe is so beautifully and colorfully diverse in every aspect, country and community. That is why coffee is so fascinating in the first place.
It connects so many people in the world, yet leaves endless room for very own unique coffee drink creations and niche cultures.
Coffee has been around for centuries already. The powerful black liquid is an essential part in many peoples’ daily lives.
Why is coffee so popular?
Coffee brings many health benefits. And, it is a great energy source and provides acceleration to our body and mind to stay active all day long.
This is a list of the best and most consumed drinks worldwide.
Sipping on a nice hot or even cold coffee can really set a positive tone for your entire day.
Some of these drinks will seem familiar to you. Other beverage creations might appear strange or exotic.
Maybe you will want to try one or the other after.
This list of most popular drinks is just proof that coffee connects us all.
Let’s get it started.
Black or Regular Coffee – Top of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
How do you like your coffee?
Every single day, we consume over 2.25 billion cups of all kinds of coffee around the world.
Even though, there are many great coffee drink variations out there. The most popular coffee drink is still the very first and most simple one.
Pure black and hot steaming coffee, optionally added with some milk or sugar maybe.
But until you will hold your own cup of coffee. The coffee bean itself took quite a long journey already, to get from its seed to your cup.
It is really fascinating to learn how much work has been done to bring it to you and me. There are countless different coffee bean types, processing methods, grinds and brewing methods for us to try.
But nonetheless, black or regular coffee is still our most favorite one.
In general, black coffee is essentially brewed from coffee grounds or instant coffee. It does not contain any added ingredients such as milk, creamer, sugar or condensed milk.
Black coffee has a sweet natural taste to it. The dark liquid can also become stronger or watery depending on how much water you are using to make it.
In case you are using a dark roast such as from Robusta beans. You will end up with a slightly bitter taste.
On the other hand, you can achieve a less bitter and smoother taste with a medium or light roast. Usually, coffee makers primarily use Arabica beans then.
However, one thing will always be for sure.
No matter the ingredient or method, one key opponent always has to be there in black or regular coffee.
Caffeine boosts our mental and physical engine.
Besides many other health benefits, this is still the main motivation for many of us.
Espresso – The Star of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
If you would add all espresso-based drinks together out there. This little powerful drink will definitely be one of most consumed drinks worldwide.
The espresso is the best tasting coffee version for many of us.
It originates from Italy in the early 18th century. After, it conquered all of Europe.
Today, its increasing popularity is rapidly spreading all over the world.
Espresso is brewed by using hot boiling water and steam of about 85 to 96 degrees of Celcius (185-203F).
Coffee makers will use less amount of water with specifically built espresso machines.
There is hardly any coffee shop these days. That does not have a highly multi-functional espresso machine as central work and service station in each store.
Espresso machines are using high pressure through darkly roasted coffee grounds. As a result, you will achieve a denser cup of black coffee.
Whenever you open a coffee shop or restaurant menu, today. You will be able to choose from popular espresso varieties such as Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Macchiato, Americano and many more just by further adding milk, whisky or water.
The Italian style drink nearly takes 7 to 8 grams of ground coffee with less water.
Within only 30 seconds, your espresso of around 2.5 ounces of liquid is ready to be served.
Many coffee enthusiasts and professional baristas tirelessly strive to achieve the ‘perfect shot’.
A perfect espresso has a thick brownish golden crèma with amazing aroma lingering around you.
There is also the Doppio, Lungo, Ristretto. The list of different levels of espresso caffeine boosters goes on and on.
This list of best coffee drinks in the world will further highlight many more of its versions.
A truly incredible coffee drink.
Speaking of popular espresso-based versions, the first one already follows right after.
Its quite an interesting story of origin and goes as following.
During World War II, many American soldiers were also stationed in Italy at some point. Of course, they had to try the original version of an espresso in its birthplace.
However, many of them found the espresso to be simply too strong for their own taste and stomachs.
Therefore and in an effort to replicate their already accustomed drip regular coffee from back home. Soldiers added water to the iconic Italian espresso shot.
The Americano drink was born.
You have probably figured it out already by now. An Americano basically only consists of water and espresso. The water to espresso ratio is usually 1:1.
Or, there will be 1/3 of two espresso shots and 2/3 of water added in a single cup.
If the espresso inside is not ‘broken’ yet, you will also still have the characteristic crema foam resting on top.
In general, an Americano is milder than an espresso. This was the reason of its original invention anyhow.
But even more remarkably, it is also even a bit milder than regular coffee as well.
Furthermore, a classic Americano will have no add-ons such as sugar or milk.
Go ahead and give it a try.
Iced Coffee – Biggest Refresher of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
Iced coffee is exactly what it sounds like.
It is brewed coffee over ice. The standard recipe is fast and simple to make. Just pour your hot coffee over ice.
This cool coffee invention is an especially popular during hot summers. Iced coffee cools you down and gives you a refreshing energy boost the same time.
The story goes that it originates from Algeria back in the 17th century. First, people used coffee syrup with cold water only.
Nowadays, coffee lovers prepare this cold beverage in many ways and in many varieties. You could add cappuccinos, cream, ice-cream and many more items.
Probably the most common way of making iced coffee is by soaking the coffee beans into the water over the night.
In the following morning, you can filter everything to finally mix it with milk and sweetener. Just put it in a refrigerator and let it rest before drinking after.
However, some coffee enthusiasts would argue that real and proper iced coffee is being prepared differently.
It is called the Japanese method. You would use a specifically designed device for it. This method rather slowly cools down your hot coffee by brewing and letting it slowly drip onto ice cubes below.
Letting brewed coffee sit around for a while, first, causes it to oxidize too much. The overall flavor might turn bitter, flat, and otherwise funky.
Therefore, some people recommend using the Japanese method instead. As it does a pretty good job preserving the richness, acidity and aroma of fresh coffee.
The slower, drop-by-drop onto ice, process ensures minimal dilution. You will not lose too much flavor unlike simply pouring a bunch of hot water onto ice cubes.
Properly made iced coffee should not end up being too watery.
Here comes one of my favorite best coffee drinks in the world.
A cappuccino is an Italian coffee beverage with espresso and steamed milk. The very basic recipe is to use 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 milk foam.
The goal is to achieve an equal ratio of these three ingredients.
Cappuccinos typically have no flavored syrup or sweetener in them. But, if you like to, you can add it.
Today, the cappuccino is a very common name on most coffee shop menus.
Around the beginning of the 20th century and as the story goes, the word ‘cappuccino’ stems from the Italian ‘cappuccio’.
It is the name of the brown hood Capuchin friars.
By the look of classic cappuccino, it reminded people of the color of the hood and robes these friars or monks were traditionally wearing.
Initially, the cappuccino was a popular drink in Europe during breakfast times. Around the 1980s, the new coffee trend spread all over the world.
The size of the drink became larger and people no longer only enjoyed it in the morning.
If you order a cappuccino nowadays, it can become quite a spectacle.
Coffee lovers and professional baristas are constantly creating and developing new amazing latte art designs.
The first classic designs included hearts, suns, flowers or leaf patterns.
There are no boundaries to our imagination here. Latte art has become a very much respected and fun art skill form.
Many coffee enthusiasts wish to learn and master it.
Baristas will skillfully pour milk foam over an espresso to create a design with the brown cream and white foam.
You should try yourself at home sometimes.
Red Eye – Strongest of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
Now, this next drink is a real eye-opener.
To make a Red Eye coffee is pretty simple and straight forward. It combines one shot of espresso with normal drip coffee.
Okay, but what is the story behind this drink’s name?
You might have indirectly heard of it already. Or, you have probably even taken one or two of them already.
I am talking about the ‘red eye’ flights.
All over the world, there are a number of flights that depart in the evening and land at their destination the following morning.
Because you would fly through all of night. These flights are also technically referred to as ‘red eyes’ by major airlines.
The term is a reference to the symptom one may develop from fatigue in general.
Indeed there is even a simpler origin story behind it all.
When was the last time you either worked or partied through all night?
How did your eyes look in the mirror the next morning? Your eyes were probably very red and exhausted, right?
A strong Red Eye coffee will help you clear your eyes and mind up again.
But what if this won’t be enough and do the trick already? Well, there are even stronger versions available.
The ‘Black Eye’ for example would include two shots of espresso.
Its very characteristic name is coming from the appearance of black circles from around your eyes after excessive periods.
But it also refers to black circles that show up in your coffee cup. When the shot of espresso is poured on top of the coffee it forms circles.
The infamous ‘Dead Eye’ even features three shots of espresso with coffee.
After this, your eyes and senses should surely be wide awake again.
Latte Macchiato
Now, this next one of all best coffee drinks in the world is my favorite one to make.
Its name ‘Latte Macchiato’ is Italian and stands for ‘stained milk’.
As you can very well imagine, it refers to the act of the espresso ‘staining’ the milk.
The key to making a latte macchiato is pouring the espresso very, very slowly.
As a start, the coffee maker pours steamed whole milk into the cup. Then, he slowly pours in the espresso.
If everything goes perfect, the characteristic espresso ‘dot’ or ‘stain’ will appear on top.
A latte macchiato is a good alternative for consumers for whom an espresso is too strong and a cappuccino too weak maybe.
This coffee version will be a good middle way. Especially people in central and northern Europe very much appreciate a latte macchiato these days.
Did you ever try and order one already? It is quite a visual spectacle as well.
If the drink is done right, there will be three very characteristic layers of hot milk, espresso and milk foam. Many will even garnish it with chocolate powder or cinnamon on top.
Unsurprisingly, people often serve a latte macchiato in a taller glass. It helps to fully marble at all the pretty layers.
This makes sense because people often eat with their eyes, too.
Turkish Coffee
Some would argue that Turkish coffee is the mother to all instant coffee.
The ‘Turk Kahvesi’ is a predominantly Middle Eastern drink.
Turkish coffee has become popular all around the world, now. This is both due to its strong taste and its special methods of preparation and service.
In order to make this oriental coffee drink, you would use a ‘cezve’. It is a special small pot with a long handle. Skilled manufacturers traditionally make it out of copper.
One cup of Turkish coffee will need following.
Combine one cup of water and two full teaspoons of coffee, first. When the coffee is cooked, you are actually not supposed to add sugar anymore.
Therefore, you are already adding your sugar into the ‘cezve’. Usually, it is two sugar cubes for a very sweet taste. One cube for medium sweetness and none will give it a slightly bitter flavor note.
After, let the coffee come to a boil. Foam will rise to the top. Wait until the foam is almost about to spill over and take it off the heat right away then.
This will guarantee you that your coffee will have lots of foam.
Out of traditional belief, Turkish coffee without a proper amount of foam is simply unacceptable.
Finally, you can serve the coffee together with a glass of water. Ideally, there should also be sweet delights next to it, as part of the ritual.
It is pretty easy and fun to make anywhere without much equipment.
Real Turkish coffee lovers and enthusiasts will even go one step further.
After its first boil, they remove it from the heat. Wipe out the accumulated foam and stir appropriately.
Then boil it once more.
This will trigger a new taste with even thicker coffee and natural sweetness.
Yuan Yang – The Secret Giant of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
This next beverage combines the world’s two most popular drinks in one cup.
For many people, it is the first question of the day. Coffee or tea?
But why not have both the same time.
The ‘Yuan Yang’ from Hong Kong gives the perfect solution.
Furthermore, you could also encounter this coffee type as ‘yuenyeung’ in Cantonese-speaking regions as ‘kopi cham’ in Malay language and ‘spreeze’ in Ethiopia.
These beverages all have one thing in common. They contain both coffee and tea.
The very original name ‘Yuan Yang’ stems from two love birds. It is about the wonderfully marital love between male and female Mandarin ducks.
Male and female ducks of this particular species are very different in appearance. ‘Yuan’ refers to the colorful male and ‘Yang’ to the plainly colored female.
The name is a nod to the mismatched union of coffee and tea.
However, like the ducks, coffee and tea are also destined to work well together.
So, how do you make it?
The ideal or traditional mixture is roughly seven parts of special milk tea to three parts of hot drip coffee.
Supposedly, this seven-to-three ratio gives both the coffee and tea a full flavor profile. One taste will not overpower the other.
Commonly, people would use make the milk tea with strong black tea and either sweetened condensed or evaporated milk and sugar.
Additionally, most recipes call for regular drip coffee from dark roasted beans.
It is actually pretty easy to make this drink at home as well. All ingredients should be easily available in your area.
So, if you would also like to experiment as well and try this unexpected marriage of the two most popular caffeinated beverages.
Just give it a try at home.
Café Frappe
No today’s list of best coffee drinks is complete without a Frappe coffee.
The word originates from France in the mid 19th century and literally means ‘iced’.
Nowadays, we mostly associate the term with a cold coffee drink. But, people traditionally used it to describe any partly frozen drink.
It was not until 1957, when the Greeks invented a proper version of the café frappe. They simply used instant coffee, ice and a blender.
The story goes that a representative of the giant Nestle company was exhibiting an instant chocolate drink version for children at a trade show in Greece.
He became tired and needed his regular coffee energy boost. However, he had run out of any hot water to make his beloved instant coffee.
The Nestle employee saw the blender and had an idea. Together with his instant coffee granules, cold water and ice cubes, he mixed everything to get his coffee fix.
Café frappe was officially born on that day and soon conquered the world.
How does a modern frappe differ from a smoothie, iced coffee, or iced cappuccino?
In practice, you would blend a frappe much longer. Until you created a real substantial amount of foam. And, the ice will have to be well-blended entirely, too.
These days, coffee shops typically dump ice cubes, milk, sugar, strong coffee, a little water, flavorings or syrups of choice into a blender.
You could even add various kinds of alcohol.
Give everything a good whirl and pour it into a tall glass.
To top up everything, you could further add whipped or ice cream, chocolate, cinnamon and many more.
It’s a real fun drink. You can get more and more creative along as you go.
More Extra Honorable Mentions of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
Irish Coffee
Since it comes from Ireland, you can expect a fair portion of alcohol in it.
The famous Irish Coffee was invented by someone called Joe Sheridan. He was working as a chef at the Foynes airport in, of course, Ireland.
At the beginning of transatlantic flights from Europe all the way to America, planes were still pretty small. This still made nonstop flights covering the full Atlantic Ocean distance at one time pretty much impossible.
Even worse, the planes were still not properly insulated making it very cold during the flight.
As it appeared, due to its geographical location, Ireland was one of the main intermediate stop stations.
When people had to fly from Europe to America or vice versa. Ireland was one of the most frequented pit stops.
During these stops, passengers had to wait while the planes were refueled. Luckily, Irish coffee was served at the Foynes airport in particular.
It proved to be a very appropriate solution. Because passengers were looking for a drink that warmed up and stimulated mood the same time. It made these long airplane stops a lot more pleasant.
Probably also because there was a lot of alcohol involved. In fact, there is no real evidence to this claim. But I am still pretty sure about it.
These days, there are many different versions of Irish Coffee.
Yet, everyone more or less agrees that it should commonly be served as a hot drink containing coffee, whiskey, sugar and cream or even better whipped cream on top.
Whereas filtered coffee was in the original version. Espresso is more common to be used, nowadays.
Affogato – Most Yummy of Best Coffee Drinks in the World
Here comes the most delicious of all best coffee drinks.
Welcome to the latest Italian treat you can add to your menu. The affogato will likely become your new favorite dessert.
Like most great Italian dishes, the affogato is a lesson in simplicity.
In its most basic form, it’s the marriage of two delicious essentials. These would be espresso and gelato, meaning ice cream.
The term ‘affogato’ literally translates to ‘drowned’ in Italian language.
It describes the making of an affogato. When cold gelato is drowned by the down pouring hot espresso.
At its core, the perfect affogato is meant to be easy and delicious. So, it is actually less of a recipe than a dessert preparation in general.
A classic affogato starts with a single, tightly packed scoop of vanilla ice cream. You would usually use a chilled glass or small bowl.
The goal is not for the espresso to immediately melt the gelato. But it should rather run down the sides and pool at the bottom.
Cooled down or chilled glasses will help to achieve this effect.
Usually, a two-ounce double shot of espresso will be poured directly over the gelato and served right away.
Of course, there are many ways to play with the basic concept. You could add different flavors of ice cream, for example.
Some coffee lovers even use high-quality olive oil instead of espresso. Go ahead and try. It’s really delicious.
Other affogato enthusiasts might add alcoholic beverages such as wine and amaro. Together with espresso, it will certainly give your affogato a special fun twist.
Again, many others will dress up their affogato. You could add fresh or dried berries or citrus. Almonds, honeycomb or biscotti crumbles also work well.
There are many great options. Let us know your favorite one.
It doesn’t get much simpler than a cortado.
You just need to combine an equal amount of espresso with steamed milk.
Traditionally, cortados are served in small cups made of glass or metal rather than the usual ceramic coffee cup.
A cortado is pretty much a deviation from the typical coffee shop drink. Coming in a small size with no added sugars or flavors.
This drink is meant to be sipped slowly. And, enjoyed as part of a relaxing morning.
Why the name?
Cortado comes from the Spanish ‘cortar’, which means ‘to cut’.
The steamed milk is said to ‘cut’ the espresso. Its purpose is to reduce the overall acidity and intensity of the drink.
Additionally and unlike many other most popular espresso drinks, the cortado contains little to no foam.
Italian-originated coffee drinks usually tend to contain some froth or foam. However, Spanish coffee drinks don’t come with ‘texturized’ milk.
This means you get to fully appreciate the silky, smooth texture of the warm milk mixing with the espresso without the two separating.
A cortado provides the ideal amount of caffeine for waking you up. Yet, it tastes so balanced due to its simplicity.
Simply perfect for slow mornings. Have a try.
Bottom Line – Top 10 Best Coffee Drinks in the World
There you go. These are the most consumed coffee drinks in the world.
Which one did you find most interesting?
All of these above styles are popular in almost each part of the world.
However, there can be some local differences in terms of own creations.
But that’s exactly the beauty in all of coffee. It gives us an opportunity to express our own taste and desires in a unique and creative way.
Over the next years, new exciting versions and coffee trends will follow.
I am looking forward to try as many as possible.
What is your favorite own one? Which coffee drink is the most popular one in your region?
Feel free to share our knowledge and experiences.
Until then, stay happy, healthy and properly caffeinated.
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