Nitro Coffee or Regular Coffee
– Which is Better –
During the last few years, nitro coffee has become a household name on the coffee market.
The newest coffee trend is popping up left and right.
You can find it almost everywhere these days. There is hardly any coffee shop, grocery store, gas station or even gym that is not offering some kind of nitro coffee.
This unique type of coffee making is particularly using the cold brew method.
The coffee will be infused with nitrogen gas to improve both its taste and texture.
Unlike regular coffee, you can also find it in cans at regular shops, for example.
Or, which is even more interesting. You can serve nitro coffee directly right from the tap, just like some regular beer.
In general, coffee drinkers enjoy it rather cold than steaming hot.
But besides all of the recent fuzz about it, is it really better?
Does nitro coffee or regular coffee carry more benefits?
Let’s have a look at the key differences and similarities. So, you can decide yourself.
Nitro coffee or regular coffee, what will it be for you?
Thicker Texture – Nitro Coffee or Regular Coffee
In short, nitro coffee naturally offers a thick and creamy texture.
This clearly sets it apart from regular coffee. In fact, you can even compare nitro coffee to other beverages such as sparkling water or soda.
There are some valid similarities among these drink types.
All of these types are infused with small gas bubbles that will characteristically alter the mouthfeel.
However, all of these other beverage types use carbon dioxide as ingredient.
On the other hand, you would make nitro coffee with nitrogen gas instead, of course.
As a result, you will get a frothy, foam-like texture. Its overall smooth mouthfeel is often compared to beer.
Moreover, typical ingredients used to enhance the texture of regular coffee are not necessary in nitro coffee.
You do not really have to use add-ons such as milk or creamers. Its texture will already be smooth enough.
To sum up, nitro coffee’s texture portrays a significant difference when it comes to our question whether it is nitro coffee or regular coffee, and which is essentially better.
Let’s dig a bit deeper.
Sweet Taste – Nitro Coffee or Regular Coffee
There is more to consider when choosing either of these two coffee types.
In addition to improving the texture and mouthfeel of your cup of coffee. Nitro coffee also naturally adds a hint of sweetness.
This is mainly due to the nitrogen gas. Essentially, nitro cold brew coffee will taste sweeter.
What’s more?
Normally, coffee makers will brew regular coffee will hot water.
However, nitro coffee is cold brewed. As an effect of this brewing method, it has been shown to have enhanced the overall flavor and aroma.
For many regular coffee drinkers, this effect makes nitro coffee a very good alternative. Because it is naturally much sweeter already. You do not necessarily need to add sugar anymore.
Too much sugar can be bad for us out of several reasons.
It not only increases the calorie content or our coffee and can potentially lead to weight gain. Eating too much sugar is also associated with quite a lot of long-term health problems.
Such bad health affects is an increased risk of heart disease, for example. Studies also show that it increases risks of type 2 diabetes and even certain kinds of cancer.
Nitro coffee can help you to cut your daily sugar intake.
This will enable you to better avoid any of these bad health effects.
Lower Acidity
Undoubtedly, one of the major differences between nitro and regular coffee is their respective levels of acidity.
Most of the acids in coffee only appear at higher temperatures.
We are talking about temperatures around 90-96 degrees of Celcius (195-205 Fahrenheit).
As we learned already, nitro coffee is brewed at a much lower temperature.
Typically, it is only around our normal room temperature. As a result, it will contain significantly less acidity than that of regular coffee.
With less acid, your coffee will become smoother and milder.
This may be very well beneficial for many of us. Especially for those that might experience irritations in their stomachs.
Higher amounts of acid may lead to digestive problems.
Additionally, the lower amount of acid will also provide a unique taste. It will decrease the bitterness in our coffee.
But there might also be a downside to all of this.
Cold brewed coffee such as nitro coffee may have fewer beneficial compounds. The most relevant one of all would be chlorogenic acid. It is an antioxidant that supplies much of the acidity in regular coffee.
In fact, this powerful acid could not have only anti-inflammatory properties. But also anti-diabetic and anti-cancer benefits as research shows. It may even prevent chronic disease.
So, it seems like we need to continue our investigation a bit more.
More Caffeine
In general, coffee is the biggest dietary source of caffeine.
On average, you can expect to get around 95 mg of caffeine from a normal cup of coffee.
Nitro coffee is using a higher ratio of coffee ground to water than regular coffee. This will also of course increase the amount of caffeine in one serving.
In fact, some companies and studies claim that nitro coffee will even have more than 30% of caffeine per ounce (3 0ml) than regular coffee.
Caffeine triggers a number of health benefits.
There are studies showing that an increased caffeine intake can increase metabolism. Yet, others claim the increase of enhanced athletic performances. And, that it leads to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
All of this is pretty great, right?
However and that being said, the significantly higher caffeine content of nitro coffee may not help everyone.
First of all, caffeine can become highly addictive to some of us.
Additionally, it can cause side effects, such as anxiety, irregular heartbeat, headaches and high blood pressure.
There is some research suggesting that various people may be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others. Studies show that this is mainly due to genetic differences.
Please just be moderate with your caffeine and overall caffeine intake and you will be fine.
A few cups of nitro coffee or regular coffee do not cause harm or concern.
How much is too much though?
The general rule is, if you are drinking more than 6 or 7 cups per day.
You may want to cut back a bit.
Health Benefits
Let’s have a look at some commonly agreed on health benefits of coffee.
Overall, the health benefits of regular and nitro coffee are pretty similar.
Both consist of common coffee beans. These contain caffeine, antioxidants and a vast host of various micronutrients.
The two most relevant micronutrients would be riboflavin and pantothenic acid.
Moreover, regular coffee sparks a long list of all sorts of other health benefits.
Decreases Depression
Drinking at least four cups of coffee per day may lower your risk of depression by up to 20%.
Extends Longevity
Studies have linked coffee consumption with a lower risk of death. You may live longer when drinking coffee regularly.
Reduces risk of diabetes
Regular coffee consumption is being associated with a 30-35% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
Helps against dementia
A lower risk of dementia, as well as Alzheimer’s and even Parkinson’s is linked to an increased caffeine intake.
Helps weight loss
With caffeine consumption you are able to increase metabolism. And, this will bump up fat burning, potentially leading to weight loss.
Nitro coffee is most likely having the same health attributes.
Because, it is made from the same ingredients as regular coffee. The coffee beans are just prepared and brewed in different ways.
However, the specific effects of nitro coffee have not extensively studied yet. More research still has to be done.
Make it at Home
Nitro coffee is very popular among coffee lovers.
This is due its distinct taste and texture.
Almost every grocery store is offering canned coffee these days. But to find fresh nitro coffee from the tap can still be hard to find.
And, it can often become quite pricey.
On average, you will have to expect to pay around 3 to 5 $ per serving.
Making nitro coffee at home actually requires a lot of additional equipment. You will have to be able to infuse the coffee with nitrogen.
Most capable, industrial devices are quite pricey.
A good alternative would be to try making a batch of cold brew coffee at home for a similar taste and nutrient profile.
It will be much cheaper and easier to accomplish.
How to Make Cold Brew Coffee at Home
- Combine 4 ounces (57 grams) of coarsely ground coffee with about 4 cups (946 ml) of water. Simply stir and refrigerate everything for between 18 to 24 hours after.
- Wait until the coffee has finished steeping. Pour it over a strainer and cheesecloth. Separate the coffee grounds from the coffee concentrate.
- The last step is to transfer the beverage to a clean jar. Enjoy!
The total amount of cold brew coffee you want to prepare is up to you, of course.
Just go ahead and adjust the amounts to make bigger batches. You can easily store the drink in your refrigerator for up to two weeks at a time.
It will still taste deliciously good even after this time.
The Bottom Line – Nitro Coffee or Regular Coffee
Let’s summarize what we found out.
Overall, cold-brewed nitro coffee tastes sweeter.
In addition, its texture is smoother and thicker than regular coffee.
Many coffee enthusiasts would argue that nitro coffee will taste better overall.
However, when we consider the nutritional value and health benefits, such as weight loss and extended longevity, nitro coffee and regular coffee are very similar and pretty much a close match.
We also have to highlight that some coffee drinkers are sensitive to higher amounts of acid, so nitro coffee would probably be the go to solution here.
On the other hand, nitro coffee does have more caffeine. Concerning our own health, we need to take this point into consideration as well.
In general, all of us should have a more moderate caffeine intake on a daily basis.
If you are not sure, please monitor your coffee type intake for a few days.
This caffeine calculator may help you find the right balance. You can check how much is recommended for you.
One or two more cups than recommended will be still okay, occasionally but not regularly.
If you need more professional advice, please go and see a specialist near you.
So, what is it, now?
Which coffee type is better?
At the end of the day and as it is with most things in life. It all comes down to your very own preferences and life habits.
Feel free to switch out your hot cup of regular coffee. And, try a cold brew or even nitro coffee from time to time as well.
You will be able to notice the difference and maybe also advantages specifically for you.
What about you?
What is your favorite type? And, how many cups do you drink per day?
Let us know your experiences and preferred drinks.
Until then, stay healthy, fit and properly caffeinated.
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