Make Your Coffee Healthy
– Best 10 Ways For A Better Coffee Experience –
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
But why is the beverage that popular? The empowering dark liquid is literally part of every community around the globe.
Firstly, it simply tastes delicious in all of its colorful versions. Secondly, many of us appreciate the daily caffeine boost it gives us.
Coffee can help us getting through our daily lives more efficiently. This is thanks to the energy boost each cup provides us with.
On top, many health experts praise the beverage for its many great health benefits.
Some coffee enthusiasts even claim that it makes us happier and live longer.
However, the calories in our daily cup of coffee can unfortunately quickly add up.
Black coffee itself only has very few calories. But, when we are adding milk, flavoring, and sugar, it increases the coffee’s calorie count pretty quickly.
Thankfully, there are some simple ways to turn things around again. Here is how to make your coffee healthy and enjoyable the same time.
This article shares the 10 best ways for a better coffee experience.
Time Management
You may not want to consume caffeine after 2 p.m. anymore.
In general, coffee is one the richest natural sources of caffeine in our diet.
Caffeine itself is a stimulant.
Surely, it is one of the main reasons why coffee is so popular. The stimulant gives us energy. As a result, it helps us to stay awake when we might feel tired.
However, it may interfere with our sleep habits, if we drink it too late in the day. Poor sleep is associated with all kinds of health problems.
Out of this reason, it is advisable not to consume caffeine very late.
If you would still like to drink coffee, though. A good alternative may be decaf coffee for you maybe. Or, you can also go for a cup of tea instead. Tea usually contains less caffeine than coffee.
Nonetheless, your overall coffee or tea consumption should be moderate.
So, how much caffeine is too much then?
Sadly, there is no general rule or answer. It depends on every individual person. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others.
There are even people, who are sleeping perfectly fine. Even though, they might have had a coffee very late in the day.
But on average, you are on the safer side, if you keep your daily coffee intake around 2 to 3 cups per day.
Some of us would like to improve our sleep. Probably avoiding coffee later in the day may be an effective strategy for these people then.
Furthermore, there are also many other ways you can improve your sleep quality. This article highlights some very useful tips, if you are interested.
Tame Your Sweet Tooth – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Do not overload your coffee with sugar.
As we learned already, coffee is naturally quite healthy in itself. However, we can easily and quickly turn it into something harmful.
The probably fastest way to do that is to put a lot of sugar in your coffee. Arguably, adding too much sugar is one of the worst habits in our modern diet.
Naturally, sugar has a high amount of fructose. Health experts associate it with all sorts of potential and serious diseases. These include obesity and diabetes, for example.
Nonetheless, some people just can’t imagine living a life without some sweetener in their coffee. Alternatively, they may want to consider natural sweeteners like stevia instead maybe.
In addition, there are also many other effective ways to reduce your sugar intake. Here are some very useful strategies.
Consider Your Conscience
Choose a quality brand.
Preferably, try naturally or organically grown coffee beans.
I am sure you aware as well already. The quality of coffee can vary greatly. It merely depends on the processing methods and how the coffee beans were grown.
Commonly, coffee farmers tend to spray their coffee plants with synthetic pesticides and other chemicals.
Some of these chemical compounds were never even intended for human consumption in the first place. The majority of chemicals may not be harmful to us. But some can cause serious health risks.
However, these potential health effects of pesticides in food are controversial. There is still too little evidence available on the entire subject.
Nevertheless, maybe this worries you anyhow.
If the pesticide content of your coffee is of your concern. You might want to consider buying organic or naturally grown coffee beans.
Normally, they should contain much lower amounts of synthetic pesticides.
Control the Amount – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Avoid drinking too much coffee.
An overall moderate daily consumption of coffee can be very healthy. In fact, coffee provides us with a great variety of health benefits.
However, consuming too much may reduce these benefits.
Several studies show that especially too much caffeine may lead to various side effects. While some of them may be minor. Others can also become serious for some people.
In general, the effects and severity of coffee health risks depends on our individual sensitivity towards it. Each person’s body responds differently.
What may seem a lot of coffee or caffeine for you or me. Might be not critical at all for others.
The general agreed on rule is following.
Health experts usually recommend not exceeding 1.1 mg per body pound (2.5 mg per kg). This is per day and per pound of kilo of your own body weight.
So, let’s say that an average cup of coffee contains around 95 mg of caffeine. It would translate into about two cups of coffee per day for someone weighing 176 pounds (80kg).
Again, every one of us reacts in a different way.
Much higher amounts of caffeine (400-600mg) per day (4-6 cups) are not necessarily linked with much worse side effects for most people.
Eventually, drinking coffee is all about balancing its risks and benefits.
You surely know your own body best. Listen to him. And, try not to consume more than you comfortably tolerate.
Nonetheless, in case you experience any more drastic effects. Please don’t hesitate to seek medical advice.
If you are interested. This article gives you a bit more detailed information. It highlights the amount of caffeine you can find in different coffee drinks.
Spice it up
Add cinnamon to your coffee.
First of all, cinnamon is a very flavorsome herb. And, it especially mixes well with the flavors of coffee. On top, the spice can also certainly make your coffee healthy.
Cinnamon comes with a number of interesting health benefits. For example, studies show that the herb can lower blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetes. In addition, it may help reduce inflammation throughout our body.
But not only that, cinnamon also adds some great flavor. Try adding some cinnamon to your coffee. Trust me, it’s surprisingly delicious.
However, as with many good things in life. It is best to stay moderate and not to overdo it.
Please make sure to not put too much cinnamon in your coffee cup. Smaller amounts of cinnamon are healthy. Too much can lead to some risky side effects though.
Limit the amount and give it a try. It not only tastes good, but can also improve your health.
Say No to Cream – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Avoid low-fat and artificial creamers.
Typically, artificial creamers are filled with questionable ingredients. On top, they tend to be highly processed and are usually packed with sugar.
This does not make them the healthiest thing to put in your coffee.
However, the entire subject still lacks enough research for a clear opinion. More studies should be conducted on the potential health effects of non-dairy coffee creamers.
Furthermore, each commercial product of creamers has different contents of ingredients. Some may actually be healthier than others.
Nevertheless, entirely choosing whole, natural foods and products is generally a better choice.
For example, you can add some full-fat cream instead of a non-dairy creamer. Such full-fat cream should preferably come from grass-fed cows then.
Several studies show that milk products contain some important nutrients.
In particular, dairy milk is a great source of calcium. And, it may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Additionally, the grass-fed cow’s milk also contains some vitamin K. The vitamin helps improving our overall bone health.
Not every person likes or tolerates milk products though. Alternatively, you could try coconut, almond or soy milk maybe. In fact, there are many great, non-dairy substitute options for milk.
Get Chocolaty
Add some cocoa to your coffee.
You can combine the benefits of coffee and dark chocolate. Take it to a new level and make your coffee healthy.
Both unsweetened, natural cocoa and dark chocolate have numerous health benefits.
For example, cocoa is loaded with antioxidants and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
But besides the obvious health benefits, it also adds to a rich flavor experience.
Of course, out of this reason there exists the infamous Caffe Mocha already. It is the traditional chocolate-flavored version of a latte.
You can find it in many coffee shops these days. But, the popular drink is usually very sugar-sweetened.
Just make your own chocolaty coffee at home. And, use unsweetened cocoa powder or dark chocolate instead.
Use Filter – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Brew your coffee using a paper filter.
Not many people know, but brewed coffee may contain cafestol. It is a diterpenoid molecule, which is also present in coffee beans.
The molecule is one of many crucial compounds in coffee. Essentially, it is assumingly responsible for a great number of biological and pharmacological effects of coffee.
However, especially in higher doses, it may potentially raise cholesterol levels in our blood.
Here is the good news though. You can easily reduce its levels. Just use a paper filter, like our popular drip coffee bags, for example.
Indeed, the amounts of cafestol can effectively be lowered by brewing coffee with a filter. Because, filter papers still let the caffeine and beneficial antioxidants pass through.
If you are not using filter coffee yet, maybe you can give it a try.
It’s another option for you, to make your coffee healthy.
Go Black
Drink your coffee black.
I know, what you are thinking.
This very basic idea maybe goes without any saying. But you would be surprised to learn how many people sweeten up their daily cup of coffee.
Black coffee, including espresso, has less than 10 calories per 8 ounce (240 ml) cup. Now, that’s really not a lot.
So, maybe you can consider ordering a regular brew next time. Without any added ingredients already.
This way, you can certainly cut your calories and make your coffee healthy.
As we all know, however, black coffee naturally tastes bitter. Not every coffee lover is fond of the overly bitter taste.
Yes, your taste buds will adapt to the bold flavor over time. But maybe you are just a sweet tooth like me anyhow. Hence, you still want to sweeten up your coffee.
We already discussed a few options in this article.
In addition, you can find more sweetener alternatives here.
Become Nutty – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Try Almond Milk.
Of course, this latest idea only applies to you when you are not allergic to nuts.
In general, almond milk is one of the healthiest milk choices to mix with your coffee. It has much less calories.
Normal whole milk can make up until 180 calories in your coffee cup. The exact calorie count depends on how much milk you are typically using.
If you would use about the same amount of almond milk instead. You will likely keep your coffee under 100 calories per serving.
Overall, almond milk is a tasty and nutritious milk alternative.
It is not only low in calories and sugar. On top, almond milk is high in calcium, vitamin E and vitamin D.
Moreover, it is a great choice for people with lactose intolerance, a dairy allergy or kidney disease. People also prefer it, who maybe like to go vegan or avoid dairy products for any other reason.
You can use almond milk in any way that you would use regular dairy milk, too.
Give it a try, if you like.
I know, this article promised you the best 10 ways for a better coffee experience.
But there are just so many great ways to make your coffee healthy.
Therefore, here are a few more notable suggestions.
Butter it Up
Butter is your friend.
I am being serious. Many of us already use butter on a very daily basis. For example, it’s great to make sandwiches or for cooking in general.
But only few of us already know that it may also work very well with coffee.
Yes, that’s correct. Apparently, grass-fed butter goes well with coffee. You may either have already heard of butter coffee or Bulletproof coffee.
Both creations successfully combine coffee with butter.
The combination can give you a very welcoming boost of energy. And, this would be without the necessary addition of either sugar or cream.
Some coffee enthusiasts may even suggest that it replaces a whole breakfast. It makes you quite full. However, there is not enough evidence to confirm this claim, yet.
Butter coffee or Bulletproof coffee can become a great alternative. But the general opinion is that it does not provide all of the usual nutrients a person needs.
Eating a balanced and healthful breakfast is the still the best way. You will get a good start into the day. And, it will help you to stay mentally focused and feel full until lunch.
Nonetheless, a butter coffee here and there is certainly not a bad idea.
Plus, you can easily make it at home.
Don’t Drink Coffee Alone
Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.
This advice kind of goes into the same direction as the previous subject. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is an unhealthy habit. No matter, if you also have other ingredients in it or not.
In fact, this habit could lead to a variety of health risks. These may include stomach lining and increased anxiety.
Luckily, it is very easy to avoid these potential risks.
Just make sure to eat a proper breakfast either before or at least while you are enjoying your morning coffee.
Your body can not just run on coffee and caffeine. For a good overall health, it also needs carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Make it Your Cup
Choose the right coffee mug or cup for you.
Now, the last suggestion was even quite interesting and surprising to me.
There is a very fascinating study suggesting following. The actual color of your coffee mug can influence your behavior. It may impact how sweet or bitter you perceive a cup of coffee to be.
Study researchers found when drinking from a white cup, people perceived coffee to be more intense.
On the other hand, a particularly transparent mug or cup would trigger a different reaction.
Of course, there needs to be a lot more research to be done. As of now, we cannot take this subject too seriously, I suppose.
But it’s at least worth a try. Why not just swapping out our white mug for a transparent one for once in a while?
If this really ‘makes’ our coffee taste less bitter. Why not give it a try?
In consequence, it would mean, that we might want to add less sugar or milk to our normal coffee routine then.
Let me know what you think and maybe noticed yourself.
The Bottom Line – Make Your Coffee Healthy
Coffee is a very popular beverage.
The empowering dark liquid is known for its great stimulant effects.
On top, it is very delicious and linked to a great number of health benefits.
Nonetheless, there are various ways to even further improve these benefits. Hopefully, any of the above ideas gave you some inspiration.
Maybe, you want to try one or two of them and see for yourself. By following these, you can even make your coffee healthier.
Most importantly, we should avoid drinking too much coffee and caffeine. Overloading our daily cup with sugar is also not very helpful.
There are many great alternatives to consider, like cinnamon or cocoa.
So, how about you? Have you tried any of these above ideas already?
Or, do you maybe have any own suggestions to share? What is your favorite way of enjoying your daily cup of coffee?
Feel free to share your coffee experiences with us.
Until then, stay healthy, safe and properly caffeinated.
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