Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
– Which is Better? –
Coffee is one of the healthiest beverages in the world.
In fact, the empowering dark liquid comes with a lot of great health benefits. Many coffee lovers even say that it makes us happier and live longer.
The beverage is full of antioxidants. On top, it boosts our mental alertness and cognitive functions.
And, it is naturally low in calories, too.
However, when we are talking about instant coffee and ground coffee. People tend to have different opinions and preferences.
Which one is better?
As you can imagine, it is not an easy decision to make.
Especially, coffee professionals such as baristas rather regard instant coffee as a ‘weak form’ of making coffee. The instant brew is often considered as not being ‘coffee authentic’ enough.
Indeed, the list of ‘instant coffee defenders’ tends to be much shorter. More people are usually in favor of original ground coffee.
Just to make one thing clear.
Of course, instant coffee is also coffee!
In short, it is coffee that has been brewed into a concentrate. Furthermore, the common process involves a quick drying process. Or alternatively, freeze drying to create powdered coffee extract.
Overall, there are fundamental differences between instant coffee and ground coffee.
For example, both types of coffee commonly use different materials. Like the type of beans. Additionally, people use different skills to make either type.
And, of course, there are quite significant differences when it comes to flavor and cost.
Here is everything you need to know about instant coffee and ground coffee.
After, we can maybe answer the question. Namely, which one is better?
Overview – Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
Simplicity & Time
This is basically why coffee makers invented instant coffee.
Because people were looking and asking for coffee, which is easy and fast to make. Therefore, instant coffee is simplicity in itself.
You simply measure the granules. Then, you are adding some hot water. And, you are done. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.
In total, the entire preparation only takes a few seconds.
This is perfect, when you are in a hurry to get to work, for example. You are in a rush but you still need your daily coffee boost to be properly energized and functioning.
Instant coffee can quickly deliver this.
On the other hand, you just cannot do the same with ground coffee.
Even if you have ground your coffee already. The preparation will take a few minutes at least. And, this is actually without cleaning the coffee making equipment after.
Yes, some ways are quicker than others when it comes to preparing fresh coffee. However, none of them can beat instant coffee when we are talking about pure speed.
For instance, it will still take a couple of minutes for the water to drip through the filter into your cup.
Furthermore, with instant coffee, there is no complicated learning curve. It’s fair to say, that anyone can add hot water to a cup.
But, making ground coffee can be more demanding. As a start, you need to choose the right equipment.
Are you going to use a French press, moka pot or an espresso machine?
All of them require different techniques. Hence, they will produce varying coffee results. Consequently, you will have a different coffee experience with each.
On top, each equipment type also commonly demands a different grind.
Of course, both coffee types are being manufactured in one way or the other. And, during the manufacturing processes itself, there can be waste.
But besides manufacturing, instant coffee actually does not produce any by-products.
However, the opposite applies for ground coffee. Here, you can end up with some waste. For example, you need to get rid of the used coffee ground after brewing.
In addition, you will have to clean the equipment. And most likely, you will dispose used coffee making items such as coffee filters.
Flavor – Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
The flavor question is probably one of the most crucial aspects.
Ground coffee or freshly brewed coffee will keep all of its essential oils. Furthermore, all other chemical constituents will stay intact.
As a result, we can experience a fuller, more subtle taste than with most instant coffees.
In addition, fresh coffee usually offers us a variety of different flavor profiles. Because, all kinds of coffee beans originate from various parts of the world can be used.
And, this is also the main reason for the difference in taste. It is the composition of the raw material used in making instant coffee.
Typically, instant coffee producers prefer to use the cheaper Robusta coffee beans.
Naturally, Robusta coffee has a bitter edge. Whereas, most of the fresh coffee is made with Arabica coffee.
Coffee drinkers usually characterize Arabica coffee beans to be more aromatic. That’s why many people prefer to brew their coffee with Arabica.
Health Benefits
In general, both the instant coffee and ground coffee come with a lot of great health benefits.
As we found out already, they might be different in terms of flavor. But, for example, the antioxidant content is pretty much the same for both drinks.
Antioxidants are molecules. They fight free radicals in our body.
In specific, free radicals are so-called compounds. Essentially, they can cause harm to us. This happens if their levels become too high in our body.
Health experts link such development to multiple illnesses. These include diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Your body has its own antioxidant defenses. And, this keeps free radicals under control and prevents them from doing harm to us.
Furthermore, we can also find antioxidants in food. They are especially common in fruits, vegetables and other plant-based, whole foods.
Coffee is also a great source of antioxidants. In fact, for many of us coffee is the greatest source of all. Simply because many people consume a lot more coffee than eating fruits or vegetables.
Besides both drinks having the same antioxidant amount. The caffeine content differs however. Instant coffee generally has about half the caffeine of fresh coffee.
We will discuss the topic of caffeine a bit more in detail.
Many ground coffee lovers can be very rude when it comes to the flavor of instant coffee.
But, things are changing. The flavor quality of instant coffee significantly improved throughout the recent years.
Nowadays, there are many new varieties. These usually use higher quality beans. You can literally taste the difference compared to older instant coffee brands then.
The Caffeine Question
Actually, instant coffee is literally just 100% coffee beans.
These have been roasted, ground and brewed with water into a liquid. After, manufacturers are dehydrating them.
Therefore, the outcome has the same health benefits as ground coffee beans.
However, the main difference between instant coffee and ground coffee is the amount of caffeine.
For instance, one cup of instant coffee contains 60-80 mg of caffeine. Whereas, ground coffee can contain between 60-120 mg of caffeine per cup instead.
More caffeine is not necessarily always a good thing for all people. There are certain, potential caffeine side effects. These can affect some people more than others.
Overall, it all depends on our personal caffeine dosage. How much are we individually able to tolerate?
Moderate amounts of caffeine can give you all of the benefits you are looking for.
Positive effects of caffeine include improved physical and cognitive performance. And, also increased mental alertness and decreased fatigue.
However, if you consume too much you may suffer from some unpleasant side effects.
These negative effects of caffeine may include insomnia, jitteriness and irritability. Additionally, health experts also speak of rapid heart rate and headaches.
On average, caffeine has a half-life of around 4 to 6 hours in our body. This is the reason why the effects of caffeine can continue for hours after we actually consumed our coffee.
How Many Coffees Are Okay Per Day?
Many of you are probably asking yourselves the same question, now. How much may be too much then?
Unfortunately, there is no definite answer for all of us together. It rather depends on each one of us.
Our individual tolerance to caffeine is decided by a huge number of factors.
These factors include the type of coffee we are choosing to drink. And, how often we are drinking. Our body size and overall health condition matters as well.
In addition, we need to take any medications into consideration. In case you are taking any. Your medications can have an impact, too.
Last but not least, there is also the matter of our individual genetics. Our own, individual code of genes significantly influences our caffeine tolerance.
Generally speaking, one can say that most of the research classifies a ‘moderate’ consumption of coffee to less than 4 cups per day.
But please keep in mind that this is an extremely rough guide.
Eventually, we just need to listen to our own body. Maybe we can start slowly, with one or two cups per day. Instead of jumping to huge coffee amounts right away.
If you possibly experience any of the negative side effects. Or, you are just uncertain what is safe for you. I would like to recommend you to go and seek professional medical advice.
Together, you can then plan out how coffee can work as a part of a healthy diet for you.
Ritual – Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
Some people may regard our next point as ‘disadvantage’ of ground coffee. However, many other coffee enthusiasts wouldn’t want to have their daily cup without it.
Brewing your coffee can literally become a relaxing ritual. Many wouldn’t want to miss it. Because, it adds to the entire coffee experience.
On the other hand, you just don’t get the same experience, ritual or performance with regular instant coffee.
To sum up, the highly praised simplicity of instant coffee might become a ‘disadvantage’. At least when it comes to individually desired coffee rituals.
In general, instant coffee is cheaper.
That’s why many people like to consume it in the first place. It is a logical outcome of its simplicity in various regards.
For instant coffee, you don’t need to buy any specialized equipment. Furthermore, the beans chosen for instant coffee are bought wholesale by the manufacturer.
Moreover, the majority of instant coffee manufacturers work with the cheaper Robusta coffee beans. All of these aspects result in instant coffee commonly being less expensive.
On the other hand, purchasing and also making ground coffee can become pricier much quicker.
Especially, if you are choosing some of the more exclusive, single-origin Arabica coffee types to grind and brew your coffee.
In addition, you will also usually rely on certain equipment to fix your favorite brew.
The Bottom Line – Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
So, to what does it come down then? When making a choice between instant coffee and ground coffee?
At the end of the day, it all depends on us and our very own preferences.
It essentially comes down to a choice between convenience, ritual, cost and flavor. One could say that it is eventually a matter of lifestyle.
How about health and its benefits? As we learned already, both instant coffee and ground coffee are equally good for us.
The only main difference between the two is the caffeine content.
So, what about you? How much are you willing to invest in your coffee experience? Which of the two coffee drinks do you usually prefer?
Maybe, you are also using both types. In your opinion, what are the advantages or disadvantages of either?
Feel free to share your coffee experiences with us.
Until then, stay healthy, safe and properly caffeinated.
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