How To Open A Coffee Shop
– The Coffee Shop Equipment List You Will Need –
You can face many challenges, if you open a coffee shop.
A comprehensive coffee shop equipment list puts you on a good track, right from the start.
It is a great time to enter the coffee and tea business.
Coffee consumption is still growing. And, the coffee market has a constant need for more sources of goods, local coffee, and bakery items.
There are several factors you should consider when opening a coffee shop. Start with business plan, move on to a floor plan. Establish a great supplier network and marketing strategy.
You can learn more about all of these steps here.
One thing have all of these steps common. They involve costs we want to ideally keep as low as possible.
Most of us do not have a huge budget or big investor to open our coffee shop. Or, to buy the coffee shop equipment we will need.
How to Get Started with Coffee Shop Equipment
Let’s try to keep costs of production as low as possible.
This will require finding a great, local roaster at a reasonable price, for example. At the same time, this roaster should still be able to make a high-quality product.
You will have to become a real coffee research junkie. So, you can find the best and most affordable coffee shop equipment.
Additionally, coffee shop owners should learn about coffee consumption trends. Furthermore, get accustomed to wholesale coffee supplier networks and where to get the best coffee shop equipment from on the market.
In terms of coffee shop equipment, you have found the right place. We want to help you getting some first ideas.
Here is a comprehensive coffee shop equipment list to get you started.
Automatic Drip Coffee Makers
What is the number one item you will make at your coffee shop?
Black coffee, of course. A lot of it, I hope for you and your business. It will account for some 30% of your entire coffee store’s sales.
Subsequently, getting a good coffee maker is essential. It should be on top of any coffee shop equipment list.
But what should you look for in a coffee maker?
First of all, it should be very durable. Because, you will have to be able to produce a high quantity of coffee per day. The coffee taste quality should always remain on the same level.
Second, the coffee maker has to be quick. The machine will have to meet high demands at the busiest shop times for customers. This is usually in the mornings.
Third, it has to be large enough to produce sizable batches of coffee. This will make your coffee production more efficient throughout the day.
You can brew a large amount in the morning, which will last longer then. It will certainly help not always having to brew new coffee during the day again and again.
Many coffee shops have or use multiple coffee makers. These machines can usually produce multiple and various coffee blends at once.
Please don’t overdo yourself in the beginning. Just focus on a few but very popular and characteristic coffee blends for your customer base.
Most successful coffee shop owners have not more than three to four blends available at a time.
It keeps things simple to manage and overlook. While you can still offer enough variety.
Not sure where to start? Here is a list of highest rated automatic drip coffee makers.
Are you ready to get to the next item on your coffee shop equipment list?
A High-Quality Espresso Machine for Your Coffee shop Equipment List
Many coffee enthusiasts consider the espresso machine the most important coffee shop equipment of all.
A lot of very typical and popular drinks are made with a combination of an espresso.
Either by itself or in combination with steamed milk. In order to make a great Cappuccino or Latte Macchiato you will need an excellent espresso machine.
Unfortunately, the whole industrial espresso machine market is overloaded. There are so many devices, developments and innovations.
It is quite difficult to get a clear picture and idea what you might need yourself.
Some espresso machines have hundreds of modern gadgets. They produce real high quality but also come with a hefty price.
Buying an espresso machine can easily put pressure on your entire budget for capital.
Consequently, it is important to understand what makes a good espresso machine. We have to figure out how to shop in an intelligent way. As a result, we can get the best value out of our choice and purchase.
Here you can find a useful guide on how to buy an espresso machine. It also explains the qualities of high-quality equipment.
You can have a look before making your purchase.
After, you can hopefully cross the very essential espresso machine off your coffee shop equipment list with a good feeling.
An Industrial Coffee Grinder
Almost every coffee shop will typically and permanently store bigger amounts of unground coffee beans.
To keep coffee beans unground until before you will use them, keeps them fresh longer.
In order to eventually make coffee, you will want to grind your own beans immediately before making a new pot.
This will require adding an industrial coffee grinder to your coffee shop equipment list.
Unfortunately, many common coffee makers and even professionals still don’t realize that the right coffee grinder can make all the difference. These devices have a big impact on overall coffee flavor profiles.
The aroma of your coffee or espresso can be significantly influenced with great coffee grinders.
At least in my opinion, it is really important to invest in the right grinder. Here is a very interesting in-depth analysis of the best commercial coffee grinders.
Hopefully, this will help you to find the right according to your store’s needs and budget.
Milk and Water
Now, you are probably wondering.
Why is a liquid like milk and water mentioned on a must-have coffee shop equipment list?
Well, we cheated a bit here. While maybe not technically being an industrial equipment device itself but using the right liquids to make and mix with coffee can make a huge difference in the end-quality of your coffee products.
If you want that the right choice of milk will not be crucial. I am sorry, you are very wrong then.
Please let me share a very handy breakdown with you.
These are factors to better consider. It explains working with milk in terms of mixing it with coffee. And, of course, what makes sense when using milk to steam it for lattes and cappuccinos.
This very basic and universal liquid also plays a major in the process of making coffee.
Your coffee shop equipment device choices should not disregard the importance of water. For a great coffee product outcome, you may need to a filtration system.
This very powerful addition will help you to extend the life of your espresso machine.
It will save your money. And, it will additionally improve the taste of your coffee. By the way, coffee consists of 98% water.
If your water’s mineral content is too high. It can ruin your equipment. Hence, please double mark the need of a good filtration system on your coffee shop equipment list.
Refrigeration System
Where do you keep most of your fresh food at home?
For your coffee shop, you will have a lot of food to keep fresh. And, you especially have to refrigerate dairy products like milk ice cream.
This will require refrigeration both in your coffee shop display cases and bigger counter fridge units behind the bar.
Ideally, your entire refrigeration setup should be taken right from the start. Already make it part of your first drafts and designs of your coffee shop.
Of course, the integration of your refrigeration system should fit in aesthetically and pleasing for eyes to look at. But it should also be functional the same time.
A good refrigeration system coffee shop setup will help baristas to quickly make customers’ drinks.
This link will show you a good breakdown on how to achieve the best coffee shop design.
Regardless of what type of coffee or food you will serve. A well setup refrigeration system has to be part of your coffee shop equipment list.
Containers, Pumps and Others (Assorted Miscellaneous)
Having proper hardware items for your coffee shop will be the next things to obtain.
Since your coffee shop will have large amounts of coffee beans, drink toppings and so on. You will have to store all of this somehow.
This means pumps for all the syrups. Boxes and crates to conveniently store coffee beans. Ideally, everything should be positioned near the coffee makers.
Try to come up and integrate an effective system to storage your items in your shop. Otherwise, your entire coffee making production and business might run less efficiently.
Additionally, find and partner with a local or reliable restaurant supply retailer. He can provide you with all of the items with ease.
Buy in bulk and plan your system out carefully and effectively.
Consider what items are most essential first. You can get extra or decorative items later. When your budget will you allow to do so easier.
Ovens, Toasters, and Devices Used for Cooking
In general, around 60% of all coffee shops also serve at least a small selection of hot food.
To provide such menu, you will need a reliable to prepare your food quickly.
Many stores serve breakfast sandwiches. Or at least, they will have some bagels and pastries. This will require either a conveyor toaster or a pop-up model.
If you would like to learn more buying the right toaster, you can find a full commercial toaster buying guide right here.
In case you are offering frozen breakfast sandwiches, you need to heat these up, of course.
Big chains like Starbucks use frozen food products. A quick but compact oven will help you here.
Your baristas should ideally have easy access to it. Without causing a delay for the entire coffee-serving operation.
This overview shares some of the fastest and effective modern ovens.
Me personally and most customers will prefer a small oven of heated up microwave food.
Security System as Part of Your Coffee Shop Equipment List
I prefer my shop to be safe. How about you?
Of course, you do as well.
Every shop business needs an excellent system to protect it from any sort of crime.
Security equipment such as cameras, burglar alarms is a good choice. These protective tools can be placed in the coffee shop and on the front and back doors.
I will leave the next precautionary measurement to you. But sadly, many employees are not always to shy helping themselves too much of your own product.
You might want to consider monitor your employee actions with cameras as well.
As you can imagine, there is a huge variety of all sorts of security gadgets on the market. You will encounter an endless array of security and surveillance products.
I would suggest to seek consult of a reliable and trustworthy company near you. They can also oversee the proper installation of everything.
Additionally, such security firms can share their great experience and expertise preventing crime with you.
Any loss by for example theft can really harm your business. Especially, when you have just started and need every earning you can get.
Here is a guide.
It outlines the things you can consider. On top, it helps to create a security plan for your business.
The next point is often forgotten on coffee shop equipment lists.
I mean, shelves are just shelves, right?
They are one of the most underrepresented and under-appreciated items. But adequate shelving will be another great tool to successfully move forward with you business.
Try to also integrate the layout of functional shelving in your front and back store right the start.
Most coffee shops sell merchandise. They offer bulk coffee, mugs and coffee equipment like French presses or any other accessories.
It is simply an additional way to generate some income. Besides the primary business of selling coffee drinks.
Out these circumstances, proper shelving is a must. Both in the public area of the store. And, behind the counter for the convenience of the baristas.
But please do yourself a favor and don’t just put shelves everywhere.
Try not to make your shop look messy and chaotic. The overall look and concept should still resemble a clean and orderly atmosphere.
Freezers and Cold Product Storage
We talked about a refrigerator system before already.
Now, we will move on to the next necessary step of it. You will need freezers in your coffee shop.
At least, if your intentions are to maybe become as successful as the Starbucks store model.
Smaller freezers should be placed in the front. Where your baristas or you yourself are working. And, in the back as well, where you will keep your inventory.
I would recommend to keep a selection of frozen food that can be flash-baked in the oven. Some of these food items can be in the smaller freezers. So, they are in easy reach of all workers.
Frozen food is pretty easy to store. On top, it has a long shelf life. You should probably store a surplus in the back so you can never run out.
When you want to buy a freezer, consider its overall longevity and durability. This article may help you.
If you have more store space to play with, think about a walk-in cooler or freezer as alternative.
A Few Industrial Blenders for Your Coffee Shop Equipment List
The demand for blended coffee has steadily been growing throughout the recent years.
These days, blended drinks are preferred by coffee consumers.
Especially seasonal drinks are on the rise. Of course, you should try to materialize this market trend as well. At least one blender should be on your coffee shop equipment list.
This overview will give you first idea. You can also check out this buying guide.
You will be surprised how much a top quality blender machine can cost. Usually, I rather like to spend a bit more than always simply going with the cheapest option.
It is better to have durable equipment. Devices that will not break down when your coffee shop will start making hundreds of frozen drinks daily for eager consumers.
POS System and Related Hardware
A reliable and efficient point of sale system is definitely worth a thought.
Your coffee shop can potentially slow down by lags in payment processing, for example. Furthermore, poor inventory management and untimely services and repairs can also have negative impacts.
If your POS is cloud-based, though, you will have less headache.
As a result, you will not have to worry about tracking your data or inventory. Because, the system will automatically assist and support you in all of this.
POS system enable you to overview several business aspects at the same time.
You will also have the ability to track you business’ analytics and profits. Besides monitoring your inventory, you can also oversee email marketing to bring in new customers.
What do you think?
Quite an extensive and probably even expensive coffee shop equipment list, right?
You can decide yourself what makes sense to you or not. You may need all of these items. Or, you might only choose a few to move forward at once.
When opening a coffee shop, there is no absolute recipe or formula for guaranteed success.
Try to understand your customer base and its demographics. It can help you to grasp what will work for you.
Once you have finished your coffee shop equipment list, there a few more things to consider. You can find a pretty handy overview here.
You will select cashiers and baristas. Plan out and design your own shop. Choose merchandise and hopefully create a recognizable brand.
Of course, you will also choose your main products. All of these factors can come together in an initial business plan.
Let us know what you think?
Did we forget any item you might think is essential, too?
Please share your ideas and comments, if you like.
Hopefully see you soon at your very own coffee shop.
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