Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee
– What’s the Difference? –
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
The empowering dark liquid has become an essential part in many of our daily lives.
It not only tastes delicious in all of its great varieties.
There are also many great health benefits associated with coffee. Many people even say that coffee makes you happier and live longer.
Nowadays, we can choose from endless different coffee types and drinks.
Our coffee universe offers us various ways of roasting, grinding and eventually brewing our beloved coffee beans.
Some coffee enthusiasts swear on Filter Coffee to be their favored brewing method. Others rely on Instant Coffee instead. And, then there is also the infamous Espresso.
But what are the differences between these? What ‘good or bad things’ do they come with?
Which one might be better over the other?
Let’s find the answers together.
Here is everything you need to know about Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee.
In addition and in order to have a complete overview. We will also have a look at the Espresso as well.
What is Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee?
We are going to highlight each brewing method separately.
And, we are beginning with one of the most popular forms of coffee.
Introduction of Filter Coffee
It is hard to imagine that there is actually any coffee shop, which does not have some kind of filter coffee machine.
In fact, even many private households are equipped with filter machines.
The brewing method of Filter Coffee is maybe the easiest one of all. And, it gives you a lot of self-control about the actual outcome of your desired coffee.
Just the image of a drip coffee maker is already iconic in itself.
The World of Filter Coffee
In general, Filter Coffee is a little bit more flexible. Especially when it comes to individual needs.
You can make it with several different grind types. These can vary from coarse or grainy all the way to powdery fine.
Your final choice to go with depends on the outcome, you are aiming for.
This makes it very different from Espresso, for example. Because its taste is usually softer. And, there are just a lot of ways to make it.
On the other hand, an Espresso is more straight forward with only one main method.
Whereas, when you are making Filter Coffee. You are able to influence and alter several factors yourself.
For instance, you can change the water temperature. Or, the amount of time that is used to extract the flavors. Each specific change will get you a different flavor product.
As a result, this allows Filter Coffee to have more variety with the same type of bean.
Different extraction times and temperature changes can highlight different flavor profiles when using the same coffee bean type.
For example, the French Press method requires a coarse grind. Whereas, the Pour-over method commonly uses the medium grind instead.
How to Make it
In some form or the other, Filter Coffee has probably been around as long as coffee itself has.
It is the most basic of the ‘fresh’ coffee drinks.
The brewing method makes use of all different types of coffee beans. These beans have been ground up into a certain consistency.
The grinding process can either take place on spot or bought pre-packaged.
After the grinding, you are adding these ground beans to a paper filter. Next, boiling hot water is allowed to seep through the coffee and filter.
This results in a gravitationally-influenced extraction of plain, pure coffee. No other external pressure will be applied, as it is the case for the Espresso for example.
That’s why the brewing method takes more time. You are literally supposed to give the coffee and brewing method the natural time, it requires.
Additionally, you are able to alter the eventual taste in two ways.
The first way is to adjust your coffee ground size. This can happen by either making the grind bigger or coarser. It allows for a far less bitter extraction of coffee.
Secondly, you can add external flavor factors. These include usual items such as milk, sugar or flavored syrups.
Overall and as we mentioned already, many people rely on their daily coffee and caffeine intake.
But they might not always have the time or motivation to prepare Filter Coffee.
The aspect of convenience is probably the biggest difference between Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee.
Introduction of Instant Coffee
Not everyone has necessarily a merely positive opinion about Instant Coffee.
Some may consider it as ‘not real’ coffee or a ‘weaker’ option.
But lately, it’s actually not such a bad choice anymore. The overall product quality of Instant Coffee has improved quite a lot over the last years.
As the name, ‘Instant Coffee’, already suggests. This coffee option is supposed to be fast, easy and convenient to make.
Although there are more high-quality products on the coffee market available, now. In order to actually find these, you need to know the right brand.
There are even some experienced coffee bean companies that successfully have their own instant coffee-line in place, now.
However, it is quite hard to come across these, to be honest.
Most ‘popular’ brands of Instant Coffee don’t actually offer the best quality.
Besides characteristics like convenience and practicality. Many consumers still expect their Instant Coffee to come with a cheaper price tag as well.
Even though, this might potentially mean having less flavors maybe.
It is these trademarks that supposedly set Filter Coffee and Instant coffee most apart.
The World of Instant Coffee
Instant Coffee is also known as soluble coffee or coffee powder.
Manufacturers make it by using different drying techniques. As a result, this concentrated coffee powder dissolves completely in water.
Therefore, the initial grind for this kind of coffee is irrelevant.
Its purpose is to simply dissolve its concentrated flavors in the water. Rather than extracting flavors out of the grind as in Filter Coffee for example.
That is one major reason why Instant Coffee is so easy to make for everyone.
Furthermore, you can also find Instant Coffee in liquid presentation. Although, the most common and wide spread use is the classic powder form.
Instant Coffee – Good or Bad?
If you would like to brew Instant Coffee. Just mix it with hot water or milk. And, ready you are.
Preferably, you may also add some sort of sweetener, if you like.
Many people associate Instant Coffee with bad taste.
But that is actually not the case. Instant Coffee doesn’t taste bad and it brews very fast. So, what’s actually the bad thing about it then?
Well, firstly, you won’t able to reach the same flavor levels as with an Espresso.
Secondly, you won’t have the flexibility that Filter Coffee has.
In general, Instant Coffee lacks these two vital aspects.
It also has a very good aspect for especially many home users. It is faster and easier to make than any of the other two options.
You will not necessarily need any special equipment to make it. All you literally need is some hot water and a cup.
So, maybe we can agree that Instant Coffee becomes the ‘king of convenience’.
And, if you are looking hard enough and spend a bit more money. Your Instant Coffee can be of considerably high quality.
But, it actually also depends how you look at it. Because, finding it hard to find good quality can also be regarded as disadvantage as well.
This is especially the case, if you are more of a selective coffee consumer.
Consequently, this is also why Instant Coffee is not a serious drink choice for ‘most wise coffee drinkers’.
But, it actually also depends how you look at it. Because, finding it hard to find good quality can also be regarded as disadvantage as well.
This is especially the case, if you are more of a selective coffee consumer.
Consequently, this is also why Instant Coffee is not a serious drink choice for ‘most wise coffee drinkers’.
The World of Espresso
When we are talking about Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee. We eventually also have to address the other big player in this entire discussion.
The Espresso is one of the most famous forms of coffee. There are endless coffee versions based on it. Lattes, Cappuccinos, Flat Whites, Doppios, Americanos, the list goes on and on.
How to best describe the Espresso?
In short, the drink features a strong punch in a small container.
Usually, Espresso shots are tiny when comparing to regular coffee cups. However, the caffeine content is typically much higher. And, the flavor is normally stronger as well.
The Espresso is mostly a pressurized concentration of coffee. It is extracting flavors and aromas that normal filter methods cannot.
But, an Espresso may not be for everyone.
Some may find the concentration of caffeine too aggressive. And, of course, others might also prefer different tasting coffee versions.
How to Make it
As we learned already, Espresso is made with pressurized water. The water is then running through fine ground coffee. And, all of this is happening with a fast extraction.
As a result, aromas and flavors are emerging very quickly. Simply put, an Espresso is a really fast way of making coffee.
Typically, this method requires a fine grind plus the pressurized water.
However, and unlike Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee, you usually need some specialized machinery to prepare an Espresso.
There are all kinds of different espresso machines on the coffee market. It mostly depends on your own expectations and also on your budget.
Finding a suitable and highly automated espresso machine can easily and very quickly go into the thousands of dollars.
Nowadays, one of the most popular forms of espresso brewing is with Nespresso. Its users swear on it. Because it helps making Espressos in a fast and convenient way.
The Bottom Line – Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee
At the end of the day, coffee is a personal thing.
And, that’s also exactly what we probably all love most about coffee. It gives us enough creative space to express our very own coffee desires.
Essentially, there is no such thing than ‘best coffee’.
Some coffee enthusiasts may find Instant Coffee completely satisfying. Usually, Instant Coffee is well priced. And, it suits the tastes of the majority of the people.
This is likely the main reason, why it has succeeded so far.
On top, Instant Coffee may also be a good solution for some who want to enjoy coffee. But they have some pre-proposed risks that would be drastically worsened if they would drink pure coffee.
These risks may include hypertension, heart problems and lactose intolerance for example.
On the other hand, others may consider an Espresso to be undrinkable for them.
It is all about what each one of us eventually likes or dislikes.
Here is my humble advice. If you have not tried all different kinds and methods yet, give it a go.
Because, if you are still undecided how you like your coffee. I would suggest comparing Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee side-by-side.
This can be a good starting point. From there, you can better determine, which stronger or weaker taste is more suitable for you.
So, how about you?
Did you maybe already find your own main difference between Filter Coffee and Instant Coffee?
Which of these two do you prefer more and why? Or, is it even the Espresso that you are enjoying the most?
Feel free to share your coffee experiences with us.
Until then, stay healthy, safe and properly caffeinated.
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