Caffeine And Your Body
– Everything to Know About Caffeine Effects –
There are different reasons why we are drinking coffee.
It can be for leisure and enjoying ourselves with friends.
Or, we simply find it tasty and have a favorite coffee drink.
Even more so, many of us rely on our daily cup of coffee for its caffeine inside.
Caffeine can help us accomplish our daily tasks more efficiently. Whatever these goals may be for each one of us.
A proper caffeine boost supports us getting through our day.
In fact, caffeine plays such a central role that about 80% of adults take some form of caffeine every day.
But caffeine actually does more than just keeping you awake.
Technically speaking, it’s a stimulant. And, it affects us in numerous ways.
A few cups of coffee per days are generally no problem.
However, once you learn the potential long-term caffeine effects on your body. You might want to stay away from your fourth or fifth cup maybe.
Too much caffeine can become too much for your body.
Here is everything you need to know about caffeine and your body.
Caffeine Effects
There are several negative but also positive side effects.
In general, coffee experts consider coffee to be very healthy. It comes with many great health benefits.
Indeed, there are many great reasons to drink coffee every day.
Some coffee enthusiasts even argue that it makes us happier and live longer.
At the end of the day, it always depends on us and our consumption. And, how sensitive we are reacting to it as an individual.
Caffeine and your body, here are the most common symptoms and effects.
Since we focus more on caffeine overload in this article. Below, you can find a mix of some good but even more concerning factors.
A common headache can occur from too much caffeine. Or, it can also become a symptom of caffeine withdrawal.
Maybe you were drinking a lot of caffeine before. But you decided to stop then. Your body might need some time to readjust.
It is demanding and longing for the missing caffeine. This may lead to headaches.
However, in smaller amounts caffeine may also give you some relief from symptoms like hangover.
Heartburn – Caffeine And Your Body
Typically, any kind of caffeinated product like coffee and soda contains acidity.
It is essential for the popular taste of coffee, of course. But it may also cause heartburn.
Some people complain about symptoms of confusion. Especially, when they are drinking too much caffeine.
Brain alertness
This is probably the main reason why many of us consume caffeine.
Its stimulating effects on our brain cause alertness right away. Our brain simply functions more efficiently for various tasks.
Additionally, caffeine also helps relieving drowsiness and fatigue.
Lower suicide risk – Caffeine And Your Body
Several studies found that caffeine improves our general mood. We simply feel happier or less stressed.
These mood-enhancing effects of caffeine are linked to a 45% lower risk of suicide in regular consumers.
Rapid heartbeat
With too much caffeine, you may experience a rapid heartbeat.
This potential side effect should merely be of concern for people with preexisting heart issues. As a result, you may notice rhythmic changes in your heart.
Muscle aches
Another common side effect of caffeine withdrawal may be muscle aches. This is especially the case after an excessive period of caffeine consumption.
In opposite, in lower amounts caffeine rather helps boosting our metabolism.
Lower risk of cancer – Caffeine And Your Body
Coffee may decrease your risk of oral and throat cancer. This is if you do not drink more than 2 to 4 cups per day.
An additional side effect of caffeine withdrawal may be irritability. Your body can get used to the daily intake of caffeine.
If you decide to decrease or quit your caffeine consumption. Certain symptoms or feelings of agitation may occur for some time.
Nausea and vomiting – Caffeine And Your Body
Too much caffeine may also lead to nausea, vomiting or even diarrhea.
Fertility Issues
Some women report difficulties to get pregnant with too much caffeine.
If you are trying to get pregnant. It is best to generally not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day.
During pregnancy, you should lower it though.
How much is too much? You can read more here.
Bones – Caffeine and Your Body
Too much caffeine prevents calcium absorption in the bones.
This may increase the risk of osteoporosis. As a result, your bones way weaken or break easier, when you get older.
Blood pressure
Caffeine can increase your blood pressure. This side effect can be of concern for some of us. At least on a temporary basis.
Excessive caffeine overconsumption can potentially lead to miscarriage.
In addition, developmental issues in newborn babies may occur. Therefore, health experts recommend not consuming more than 200mg of caffeine per day during pregnancy.
Most pregnant women even entirely dismiss any caffeinated drinks.
Decaf coffee is a very good alternative, for example.
Some coffee drinkers report feelings of nervousness. This is especially the case for people who don’t consume caffeine regularly.
Their body is just not used to the potential caffeine sensation. It might overreact more sensitively than for regular consumers.
Furthermore, these experiences can even increase further. Especially for people, who suffer from anxiety or sleep disorder.
Urination – Caffeine and Your Body
With more caffeine in your system, you might urinate more.
In fact, long-term caffeine overuse may increase bladder instability quite significantly.
This would particularly be alarming for people having preexisting bladder problems already.
Quick Summary
These are the most common caffeine effects on your body.
Just to remind you, all of these symptoms and side effects depend on your own body type. Some react more sensitive than others.
If you experience any serious caffeine effects, please see a doctor.
Below, we will go a bit more into detail, now.
Caffeine And Your Body
It might be surprising to some of us.
But caffeine itself does not provide any nutritional value on its own.
On to, it also has no particular taste.
As a result, you will not really notice if caffeine is part of your food or not.
Even some medications might contain caffeine without your knowledge.
Overall, caffeine almost always causes some symptoms.
The majority of these symptoms or effects are positive. At a minimum, you will feel more energized.
And that’s exactly why many people choose caffeinated drinks in the first place.
However, over a period of permanent and high consumption, caffeine may start causing various withdrawal symptoms.
If you try to cut your caffeine intake down. Your body might find it difficult to adjust, at first.
We already discussed some potential withdrawal symptoms in the previous paragraph.
In general, health experts say that healthy adults are safe. If they don’t consume more than 400mg of caffeine per day.
That means, it is to keep track and have some overview. Keep your caffeine intake moderate and not excessive. And, you will be fine in the great majority of cases.
As we previously mentioned, if you consume the same amount of caffeine every day. Your body will eventually develop a tolerance to it.
It will get used to it.
Besides the amount, there are also other factors that affect your tolerance to caffeine. Your age, body mass and overall health.
What to do when I feel any symptoms?
You should decrease your amount of caffeine intake. It is best to do so slowly and gradually. Don’t try to rush things.
Give your body the time to properly adjust to any new changes.
Caffeine And Your Central Nervous System
Why do most people like to drink coffee, tea or an energy drink?
Many people are looking for a caffeine boost. To get them through their day.
Naturally, caffeine acts a central nervous system stimulant. The most noticeable affect for us is the increased state of alertness. This happens when it reaches your brain.
You will feel more awake, mentally and physically. Feelings of tiredness will diminish.
Due to this ability, caffeine is a very common ingredient in medications, as well. For example, pharmacists use it to treat or manage drowsiness, headaches and migraines.
Moreover, studies found that caffeine helps lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. It even potentially reduces the risk of suicide by up to 45%.
These benefits mostly apply to people, who drink coffee regularly.
Additionally, the majority of these benefits are limited to people, who drink high-octane coffee. Decaf coffee does not have the same capabilities.
The vast majority of people appreciate and enjoy coffee as a very healthy drink.
However, like with any other food. If you eat too much of it, it can cause some side effects.
For example and as we learned already, too much caffeine can gives us headaches. This mostly happens during any sudden caffeine withdrawal.
The blood vessels in our brain were used to the normal caffeine’s effects. But, if you stop consuming caffeine all of a sudden. It can cause headaches and other symptoms.
Caffeine Withdrawal
Here are the most common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
In some cases, a sudden caffeine withdrawal can also cause tremors.
Is it possible to overdose on caffeine?
Yes, it is. But these cases are very rare. Here are a few symptoms of caffeine overdose.
How does a caffeine overdose happen?
Again, this depends on several individual factors from person to person.
In general, overdosing happens by excessively consuming large amounts of caffeine. Most cases are either linked to energy drinks or diet pills containing caffeine.
Normally, health experts consider 400 mg of caffeine to be generally safe.
This would roughly mean 4 regular cups of coffee per day. But please be aware. The size of coffee cups can widely differ.
Sometimes, one big coffee can already be 2 or even 3 regular, smaller cups.
Digestion – Caffeine And Your Body
Caffeine increases the amount of acid in our stomach.
This may lead to heartburn. Or, you may have an upset stomach as side effect.
What is the reason for this?
Our body is incapable of storing extra caffeine in our digestive system. That’s why it is trying to flush out any overload of caffeine as quickest as possible.
The caffeine will normally be processed in the liver. And, from there it exits through our urine. As a result, you might also experience an increase in urination.
This can already happen shortly after drinking caffeine. In fact, many coffee drinkers tend to go to the toilet more often.
For most people these symptoms and corresponding side effects are minor. There is usually no greater concern.
But some may also experience stomach problems such as acid reflux or ulcers.
If you do experience it, please see a doctor then. And ask, if it is generally okay for you to have caffeine.
Circulation And Respiration
Our stomach is rapidly absorbing caffeine when we are drinking it.
Within in one or two hours, the caffeine will have reached the highest levels in our bloodstream.
What happens if you consume too much caffeine?
It may make your blood pressure go up for a short time. Experts are not entirely certain what exactly causes this side effect though.
Studies either speak of an increase in adrenaline. Or, a temporary block on our hormones that naturally widens our arteries.
Nevertheless, one circumstance is for certain.
If you do have irregular heart rhythms. Your heart may even have to work harder, now. Because of the additional caffeine.
Plus, if you have high blood pressure or any heart-related problems. Even more serious side effects might occur.
Again, please go and see a doctor. And ask, if it is generally safe for you to consume caffeine.
Especially an excessive caffeine overdose can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat. On top, you might have troubles of properly breathing.
In very rare cases, caffeine overdose can even lead to death.
Experts speak of a potential risk of death. If a very high caffeine consumption leads to either convulsions or irregular heartbeat.
Bones And Muscles – Caffeine And Your Body
Large amounts of caffeine can also cause effects on our skeletal and muscular system.
I particular, it may interfere with the absorption and metabolism of calcium.
Our bones can get thinner as a result. The technical term would be osteoporosis.
What does too much caffeine do to our muscles?
They may start twitching. Probably all of us have already experienced this. Usually, these smaller muscle contractions are not of greater concern for most people.
But in some cases, it can become more than just a bit uncomfortable.
In addition and as we already mentioned before. There can also be muscle aches due to caffeine side effects.
This is especially the case when we trying to reduce our caffeine intake.
Certain withdrawal symptoms such as muscle pain can occur. Therefore, it is best to go slowly and gradually.
This section is especially of concern if you are planning to have children.
How so?
We found out already that caffeine enters our bloodstream. From there, it also crosses into the placenta.
Since caffeine acts as a stimulant in various ways. If you consume too much, it may cause an increase in the baby’s heart rate and metabolism.
Additionally, too much caffeine can also slow down the fetal growth. Rather rarely, this may also lead to an increased risk of miscarriage.
However, during most pregnancies a bit of caffeine is very much safe. Just keep the amounts low.
In fact, health experts recommend limiting the caffeine consumption during pregnancy. The suggested average lays between 200 and 300mg of per day.
This will significantly increase chances of getting pregnant.
Decaf coffee would also be a very good alternative.
The Bottom Line
This article showed us the relationship between caffeine and our body.
We have learned a lot about the caffeine effects on several body systems.
If you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms more seriously. Please go and see a doctor. Or, at least see a health expert for some advice.
He can give suggestions on how to best balance out your body needs.
In general, coffee with its ingredient, caffeine, is a very healthy beverage (internal link).
But, as it is with many good things in life. Too much can eventually become too much for some of us.
This is especially the case for people, who react more sensitive to caffeine.
These people should rather act more cautious. And, they should considerably limit their overall caffeine consumption.
So, how about you? If you don’t mind me asking.
How much coffee do you usually drink per day?
Do you actually watch your coffee or caffeine intake in any way? Or, do you just go by mood and gut feeling?
What’s your favorite go-to coffee drink for a proper caffeine boost?
Feel free to share your experiences and thoughts.
Until then, stay healthy, fit and properly caffeinated.
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