Caffeine and Depression
– Does Caffeine Help with Depression? –
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
The energizing drink does not only provide us with a lot of health benefits and makes us happier.
For many people, it also helps them getting through their daily lives more efficiently.
One of the coffee’s main ingredients is responsible for this. Of course, I am talking about caffeine.
Overall, the stimulant can be a helpful assistant to us in many ways.
As long as we don’t excessively overuse but rather moderately limit our overall caffeine consumption, we will be more than fine.
Because we want to avoid any caffeine side effects, such as withdrawal symptoms.
For the majority of people, caffeine is absolutely beneficial and they rarely notice any negative effects.
Besides caffeine being a much-appreciated energy booster, this remarkable stimulant may also help some people to treat the effects of depression.
So, the question is, does caffeine help with depression or not? What is the connection between caffeine and depression?
Here is everything you need to know.
What is Depression?
Health experts classify depression as a mood disorder.
In general, you can describe it as a combination of feelings, such as sadness, loss and anger. Typically, these intensified emotions will interfere with a person’s everyday activities.
Sadly, this mood disorder is also quite common in our global society.
For example, a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that around 8% of all American adults had some form of depression in any given two weeks period already.
Typically, people can experience depression in various ways.
As a result, it may affect your daily life and work. This can lead to lower productivity, social engagement and self-care. In addition, depression may also influence some chronic health conditions.
Here are some conditions that can get worse when it comes to depression.
However, it is also important to understand for us that down-feelings are kind of normal in our lives, too. As we all know, sad and upsetting moments can happen to all of us from time to time.
But, you should not be hopelessly sad and discouraged on a regular basis. This is when health experts are talking about people potentially dealing with depression.
Overall, we should all be aware and not take depression too lightly.
It is considered a serious medical condition. And, the condition can increasingly get worse without proper treatment.
People who go and see doctor have often found relief in just a few weeks. Some people also use caffeine as treatment.
But, before we answer the question if caffeine helps with depression and discuss the relationship of caffeine and depression.
Let’s have a quick look at some common symptoms and causes of depression.
Symptoms of Depression
In general, depression can lead to a variety of symptoms.
Some of them may affect your mood. Others have an influence on your body. Overall, these symptoms can either be permanent and ongoing. Or, they basically come and go, hence disappear and appear again.
Furthermore, men, women and also children can experience certain symptoms of depression differently.
Men – Common Experiences of Depression Symptoms
- Mood – anxiousness; anger; aggressiveness; restlessness; irritability
- Emotions – loss of interest in certain activities; being regularly tired; potential overuse of alcohol and other drugs; increased engagement in high-risk activities
- Sexual interest – decreased overall sexual desire, hence lack of sexual performance
- Mental or cognitive abilities – difficulty to focus, fulfilling tasks and delaying responses during conversations with other people
- Sleep – may develop sleep patterns such as insomnia, which results in restless and too short sleep leading to exhausting sleepiness
- Physical abilities – may experience digestive problems; decreased tiredness and feelings of weakness combined with headaches and other pains
Women – Common Experiences of Depression Symptoms
- Mood –mostly irritability
- Emotions – feeling hopeless, sad, empty or anxious in certain areas and situations with increasing loss of interest in social engagement and activities; thoughts of suicide
- Mental or cognitive abilities – overthinking many items or scenarios and talking more slowly
- Sleep – overall, sleeping too much but having difficulties properly sleeping through the night, which results in waking up too early
- Physical abilities – feeling low and less energized; changes in appetite and weight; increased tiredness and cramps going along with aches, pain and headaches
Children – Common Experiences of Depression Symptoms
- Mood –confusion of feelings; experiencing anger, irritability and anger; having mood swings
- Emotions – feeling helpless and not confident in completing certain tasks; may experience intense sadness with crying and despair; withdrawing from social life
- Mental or cognitive abilities – difficulty to focus; changes in performance levels
- Sleep – overall, either sleeping too much or having regular issues falling into deep sleep
- Physical abilities – feeling low and less energized; changes in appetite and weight; may experience digestive problems
Causes of Depression
Overall, there are biological, or physical, and so-called circumstantial causes of depression.
Depression does not always only develop in our mind. But, the condition can also have physical reasons. However and nonetheless, mental or social issues are usually the main trigger.
Experts commonly link the following causes to depression.
- Family background – If you there is an existing family history of depression or another mood disorder, you are more likely to develop conditions such as depression as well then.
- Childhood background – Some children experience some sort of early childhood trauma. Such events can affect the way your body is reacting to certain stressful of anxious moments or scenarios.
- Our brain – Every person’s individual brain structure can also play a role. If the frontal lobe of your brain is less active, the risk for depression is higher. However, more precise research still needs to be done here.
- Medical condition – Some people are at higher risk of depression due to certain medial conditions. These may include chronic illness and pain, insomnia, or the Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, called ADHD.
- Usage of drugs – People having a history of alcohol or overall drug misuse are at higher risk of developing depression.
In general, a great variety or factors and health issues can cause or influence feelings of depression. Some of us may be at higher risk and develop the condition. And, others simply do not.
However and even until this day, health experts and healthcare providers are still struggling determining exactly what may cause depression in any concerned individual person.
Often, we are treating depression with a series or combination of psychiatric therapy and medication.
Additionally, some research suggests that caffeine may help people with depression. So, what’s the connection between caffeine and depression?
Let’s have a closer look.
Does Caffeine Help with Depression?
To find the answer, health analysts used several observational studies on the relationship between caffeine and depression.
The result was quite revealing and clear. Indeed, caffeine consumption seems to decrease the risk for depression.
Additionally, it was even more surprising what another study reported. This particular study found a clear connection between decreased depression and coffee consumption.
However, there was no similar connection to be found when people consumed other caffeinated drinks. For example, other caffeinated drinks are tea or energy drinks.
Consequently, these studies actually suggest something different. Namely, that there is something in coffee, which seems to reduce the risk of depression.
Furthermore, another long study over the course of 10 years also found a connection between lower risk for suicide and caffeinated coffee consumption.
But, caffeine consumption may have different effects on children and teenagers. Here, overuse of caffeine seems to increase the risk for depression.
Moreover and as we found out already, too much caffeine also generally has a negative impact on sleep. And, this of course could directly affect our mood.
I will be honest to you. When I am not getting enough sleep, I am also not always the happiest person to have around.
Lastly and in general, there seem to be two other main factors playing a role how caffeinated drinks may affect us individually. And, this would be the each person’s age and our very own sensitivity to caffeine.
However and overall, most people are doing absolutely fine with their usual and moderate caffeine consumption.
Caffeine and Side Effects
In general, what are the common side effects when consuming too much caffeine?
Here are the most usual ones.
- Painful headaches
- Having difficulties falling asleep
- Dehydration
- Jitteriness and anxiety
- Increase of heart rate for some people
At the end of the day, it all depends on your very own body’s sensitivity to caffeine. Some of these side effects or symptoms may be harder to manage for some people compared to others.
In case you are excessively consuming caffeine, cutting back on caffeine may be a good idea.
Just be aware, that some of these symptoms may also appear during the process of cutting back as well.
They will be the result of common caffeine withdrawal symptoms you will experience then.
What to do When Having Depression?
First of all, if you think you are experiencing a depression, please go and seek professional advice from your nearby trusted doctor.
Make an appointment. So, trained health experts can help finding a suitable treatment plan for you.
We already discussed all common symptoms of depression.
Besides feeling sad, not motivated, tired and having pain. One of the most serious symptoms of depression is the sometimes overwhelming feeling to harm yourself. Or, even thinking about committing suicide in very dramatic cases.
If you know anyone facing such overwhelming feelings, please urgently advice to seek immediate help.
In general, the condition of depression is a cyclical disorder.
This means, that its symptoms can come and go again. Therefore, it is important to see a professionally trained doctor.
Because, they have the ability to properly diagnose and evaluate the condition. As a result, you or anyone concerned will receive the proper care they need.
Diagnosis of Depression
So, firstly you are making an appointment with your trusted doctor.
Secondly, go ahead and write down the feelings or symptoms you may experience. You can also explain certain personal situations or any work-related issues.
Sometimes, any of these issues are making you feel the way you do.
Then, the doctor can listen and review all of your notes. In addition, he may also potentially give you a physical exam to complete.
Usually, they also ask for your family history and will take it into consideration as well. Lastly, he will be able to make a diagnosis based on all factors.
Treatment of Depression
After the diagnosis has been completed, the treatment can start.
Usually, doctors will create a treatment plan to begin with immediately. At this point, doctors may also advice to suggest adding gradual doses of caffeine to your diet.
This may happen in pill forms. Many health experts realize that there is a beneficial connection between caffeine and depression.
However, you cannot only rely on caffeine.
Other items should support and help treating your depression. Therefore, the doctor will most likely prescribe other medication, too.
Of course, the goal is to decrease any symptoms you may experience.
This may take a few days or even weeks in some cases. Anyone concerned must be patient until this person may see first significant improvement in their symptoms and mood.
It is important that you believe and trust the process.
Continue taking your medication. If something is not working right, just see your doctor and particular adjustments can be made.
You may either switch do a different medication then, or change the dosage of it.
Furthermore, your doctor will usually also suggest seeing a therapist, too. There is no shame in doing so. A therapist will listen and talk to you about your emotions and feelings.
This will happen in a totally judgement-free and purely supportive environment.
In the end, health experts may suggest certain lifestyle changes. Maybe, you should participate in more social or physical activities, for example. A healthier lifestyle will certainly help.
With the additional help of trained professionals, you can certainly manage your depression.
The first step is usually always the hardest one.
Be brave and listen to yourself. Stay open-minded and honestly admit, if there may be something wrong with you.
People are there to help you.
Final Thoughts – Caffeine and Depression
In summary, what can we say about the relationship between caffeine and depression?
Indeed, caffeine can help giving us relief from depression symptoms. However and rather rarely, the stimulant of caffeine may also worsen them.
As long as you don’t consume too much caffeine, however, you will be fine. Nonetheless, more research about caffeine and depression, or other mood disorders, still needs to be done.
Overall, coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
Many of us love coffee, including myself, of course. And, there are many good reasons to do it.
Coffee not only tastes delicious in all of its fantastic versions. But the empowering dark liquid also comes with a lot of great health benefits.
Some coffee enthusiasts even say that coffee makes them happier and live longer.
So, what do you think?
In your opinion, what’s the connection between caffeine and depression? Can caffeine, or coffee in general, help treating depression?
Feel free to share your experiences and thoughts with us.
Until then, stay safe, healthy and properly caffeinated.
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