10 Reasons to drink coffee every day
A coffee a day keeps the grumpy away.
Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages.
It does not only taste good but can also give you a boost for your day to come.
On top, coffee also has plenty of amazing health benefits. There are many reasons to drink coffee every day.
Coffee is not just great to keep you going through your day. It can potentially help you live longer and speed up your metabolism.
Furthermore, it can help you fight off cellulite or help with balding.
There are endless reasons to like this very fascinating brew. Below, I will share the 10 most popular reasons to drink coffee every day.
Source of Happiness
If you feel happier when drinking a cup or two of coffee, there is a reason for that.
A recent study from the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry found that coffee actually functions as a mild antidepressant.
You are feeling happier, because coffee will boost feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain.
Other studies found that coffee drinking can also reduce the risk of suicide. You are less likely to suffer from any depression. These are some first health benefits coming along with coffee already.
All in all, you seem to be much happier. So, drink up! 😉
Fight Cancer
Even moderate consumption of coffee can already reduce the odds of developing coloteral cancer by 26%.
This protective benefit increases even further with more coffee consumption according to this study.
This is especially very significant for men.
Regular coffee drinking could lower your risk of developing prostate cancer. Because the compounds in coffee are able to do everything from reducing inflammation to regulating insulin.
And what’s really great about it, this even works with decaffeinated coffee as well. Just for your general information, decaffeinated coffee features many of the same health benefits.
If you would like to learn more about prostate cancer in particular, look here please. This article shares experiences of a man having to deal with it.
Additionally, researchers from the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center found out something interesting. Peoplet who consume one to three cups of coffee a day have a 29% reduced risk of developing liver cancer.
Activate Brain Cells
Coffee can actually improve energy levels and make you smarter. This can also be considered as health benefits.
There is a main reason for these pretty good effects. Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine.
When you are drinking coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into your bloodstream. And, through your bloodstream, it will travel straight to your brain as well.
Once it arrives in your brain, the caffeine will block the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine.
When this happens, the amount of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine will increase.
To make it short, all of this will lead to enhanced firing of neurons. And this will speed up your brain activity, hence thinking.
Further controlled studies confirm these findings. They show that coffee improves various aspects of brain function and boosts our health benefits. These include memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general mental function.
I must say, not too bad for a little cup of coffee.
Burn Fat and Calories
Who does not like some help to burn some extra fat while drinking one of your favorite drinks?
Coffee seems to be able to help you here.
Caffeine is found in almost every commercial fat-burning supplement. It is one of the few substances, which naturally enables us to burn fat.
Several studies show that caffeine can help boosting your metabolic rate by up to 11% in obese individuals. And it can even go up to 29% in lean people.
However, there still needs to be more research done between coffee and weight loss. And in addition, it is possible that these effects diminish in long-term coffee drinkers.
Higher Physical activity
Caffeine stimulates your nervous system. It signals fat cells to break down body fat.
On top of that, it also increases epinephrine levels or so-called adrenaline in your blood system. This prepares your body for intense physical exertion, which enables you to exercise more effectively.
Out of these effects, it is not that surprising anymore. Coffee can improve your physical performance by up to 12% on average.
Therefore, it could make sense for you and me to have a strong cup of coffee. Ideally, about half an hour before we are heading to gym or start our work out.
Lower risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
Besides the already mentioned health benefits, drinking coffee is good for your heart.
It’s often claimed that caffeine can increase your blood pressure.
This is true in some regards. But the effect is small. It usually does not play a role at all anymore if you drink coffee regularly.
In contrast to common belief, coffee doesn’t increase your chances of suffering from cardiovascular heart disease.
There are results from numerous studies, which show that there is no link between coffee consumption and an increased risk of heart disease. Researcher found that drinking between 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day did not elevate your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Further findings show that women who consume moderate amounts of coffee actually had a lower risk of coronary heart disease.
Japanese scientists also discovered that increased coffee consumption also lower a person’s risk of stroke.
So drinking a cup or two of coffee every day certainly isn’t one of the habits that could damage your heart.
Great Source of Antioxidants
It may surprise you but for people who generally eat a standard Western diet, coffee may be one of the healthiest aspects of their diet.
The main reason is that coffee is quite high in antioxidants. Various studies indicate that many people may get more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables combined.
That’s pretty remarkable, in my opinion.
In fact, coffee may be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It can also help to protect your cells against DNA damage that could lead to various types of cancer or other diseases.
But besides antioxidants, health benefits also come from the fact that coffee additionally contains many other essential nutrients.
These several important nutrients include roboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium and niacin.
These nutrients in coffee beans also make their way into the finished brewed coffee. None of them will be lost during the process.
Coffee and Diabetes
Coffee can help protect against type 2 diabetes.
You have probably heard of diabetes yourself already. Or you even know relatives or friends who might be affected by it.
One of my best friends has diabetes, so I know quite well what can kind of effect this disease can have in your daily life.
Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels by insulin resistance or a reduced ability to secret insuline.
Interestingly, it seems that coffee drinkers have significantly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
Recent studies show that people who regularly drink coffee can have up 25% lower risk of getting diabetes.
Of course, you should also be careful how much milk or sweetener you are adding to your daily cup of coffee. I would recommend you to use any coffee additives in a rather moderate way.
Otherwise, rather than boosting your health benefits when drinking coffee, you might diminish them instead.
By the way, some great alternative additives include almond milk, ginger powder, orange slices and many more.
Never Forget
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.
Its symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time. At some point, they can become severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.
This condition usually affects people over 65 years. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for it.
However, there are quite a few things you can do in order to prevent the disease from occurring in the first place.
This includes eating healthy and exercising. Doing sports is always a great idea, of course.
But also drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well.
Plenty of studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Therefore, always remember to drink a fresh cup of coffee. 😉
Prevent Parkinson’s Disease
Right behind Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease is the second most common neurodegenerative condition.
Basically, this disease is caused by the death of dopamine -generating neurons in your brain.
As for Alzheimer’s, unfortunately, there is also no real cure for Parkinson’s as well.
This makes it even more important to focus on prevention. One of these methods can also be drinking coffee.
Studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of Parkinson’s disease by lowering the risk up until 40%.
As it turns out, especially the caffeine in coffee beans themselves appears to be beneficial here.
This might be another good reason to include coffee in your daily routines, if you like.
Coffee seems to be a highly popular beverage worldwide out of many reasons.
As you and I have discovered many quite impressive health benefits are contained in these little beans.
It can not only make you feel more energized, burn fat or improve your physical performance, it may also help lowering the risk of several serious diseases.
It can become a memory-enhancer or also just add some more happiness to your life.
There are even many studies claiming that coffee can become a fountain of youth.
And let’s also get rid of a very common myth, shall we?
No, coffee does not dehydrate you.
It seems that it is more than fine to enjoy a couple cups of coffee a day unless you can’t control your consumption.
People, who might be drinking coffee in excess may be negating some of the benefits because of the large amount of caffeine they are consuming.
As an advice, these people could maybe benefit from a caffeine detox then. This would reset their caffeine tolerance to more moderate levels.
As for many things in our lives, the key is moderation. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day would give us all the benefits we are looking for and avoid any negative issues the same time.
What are your experiences with coffee?
Do you feel more active? Does it make you happier?
Let us know how you enjoy your daily cup of coffee and what your very own benefits are from drinking it.
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